#24 Jeju pt.2

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The next morning Seungcheol comes down to help his parents make breakfast. He's been stressing all night about what he saw in Seungkwan's room, wondering if he misunderstood or was overreacting. But he knows Mingyu is going back with him today so he's trying to ignore it since they will be apart anyways.

"Seungcheol, you're burning the rice, where is your head sweetie?"

"Sorry, mom. I was just worrying about Kwannie. I still have doubts about leaving him here, alone." He turns to his parents with a serious expression. "He isn't the kid that you guys know and are used to. And especially right now he's so sensitive and depressed, you will have to be careful around him. Can you promise me that you won't ask him anything?"

His mother sighs while sitting down at the table with his father. "Why can't we ask anything? He's our son, we want to know what happened too. You barely told us anything other than he had a bad break up and was bullied and something about a video. Should I ask Seungkwan what the video is?"

"NO!" Seungcheol yells. "Absolutely not. Mom you can't. Please don't bring any of it up, or Wonwoo. You can't treat him like you used too."

"Seungcheol, what are you saying?" His father asks.

"You have to give him his privacy and not dig into his issues if they can trigger him. You guys always ask him things that are insensitive. Also, you can't try to set him up with anyone or ask about college or career or pressure him. He's here to rest, he's overworked and is sick right now. So don't make him do anything. Don't try to drag him out if he doesn't want to come out either. I barely convinced him to see the therapist that you recommended, so just let him go and do what he wants. If I hear that he's even slightly worse, I will come back and get him."

His father nods and so does his mother with a long sigh. "We will try our best to support him and be there for him. But visit him often with Jeonghan and Won-with that nice Mingyu and keep him company."

"I'll visit with Hannie as much as I can."

"What about Mingyu?" His mother asks.

"Why would I bring him?"

"They seem very close. I was surprised he came and not his best friend Vernon. So, bring him too."

Seungcheol just nods his head and portions out the rice. "I will go bring them down, you can eat without them, Kwannie will probably take a while to wake up."

He heads up the stairs and knocks on Seungkwan's door. No one answers so he opens it to see them both still asleep.

The blanket has somehow ended up on the floor and Seungkwan is lying between Mingyu's legs and hugging his chest.

Mingyu's arms are also wrapped around Seungkwan and he starts to wake up after hearing Seungcheol open the door. Mingyu opens his eyes and panics when his eyes meet Seungcheol's. He quickly sits up and holds Seungkwan in his arms.

Seungcheol picks the blanket off the floor and lays it over Seungkwan.

"Ch...Cheol I-"

"Save it for later. Breakfast is ready."

He walks out of the room and Mingyu falls back when the door shuts. "Dammit-"

"What's wrong?"

Mingyu looks down at Seungkwan and smiles. "Nothing, good morning beautiful. Breakfast is ready, go wash up so you can eat."

"I want to sleep longer though." Seungkwan pouts and squeezes his waist.

"I know, but you need to eat, and I have to leave soon, I want to say goodbye before I go."

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