#10 Hug

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"This is such a fucking mess...Jeonghan and Mingyu both know?" Seungkwan splashes his face with water and leans against the wall to calm down. I really need to end this before they find out it's Wonwoo...I can't let them get mad at him when it's my fault.


Seungkwan looks up at Wonwoo, who rushes in.

"Wonwoo? You shouldn't be here."

Wonwoo walks over to him and grabs his hands. "I heard Jeonghan yelling, does he know it was me?"

"Obviously not, or you wouldn't be standing here with me right now."

Wonwoo sighs and starts laughing. "Good, I was worried for nothing. Why were you crying though?"

"It doesn't matter."

Wonwoo smiles and pushes Seungkwan against the wall. "I will pick you up after work today." He puts his hands around Seungkwan's waist and neck and kisses him.

Why does he keep doing this? He was the one who was scared that people would find out and now he acts like he doesn't care. Seungkwan tries to push him off.

"What's wrong Baby?"

"Can we not now...what if someone walks in?"

"I'll be quick." He reaches for Seungkwan's pants and tugs on them, but Seungkwan pushes him away again.


"Just stop." Seungkwan starts crying again and Wonwoo stands there trying to figure out what he did.

"Kwannie...I'm sorry." He wraps his arms around Seungkwan's shoulders and hugs him. "I don't know what came over me-"

"It's fine, just let me go."

"No." He hugs him tighter. "I don't like it when you're mad at me."

"I'm not mad...I just don't feel good."

"Are you really sick?" Wonwoo cups his face and wipes cheeks with his thumbs. "You do look a little pale...just go home and rest. I will visit you after work."

You're worried? Are you coming over because I'm sick?  "Why?" Seungkwan wraps his arms around Wonwoo's waist and waits for a reply.

"Why what?"

"Why are you coming over?"

Wonwoo smiles and kisses his nose. "To make you feel better of course."

"To make me feel better?" I thought...well I see now, you just want to make yourself feel better and make sure I'm not mad at you...

"Yeah, you know I'm the best cure when you're sick." He winks at Seungkwan and pulls his head to his chest.

No...you're the one making me sick...sick of myself. The only cure would be if you liked me back.

"Hey Wonwoo, Kwan. Uh-" Mingyu walks in and sees Wonwoo tightly hugging Seungkwan and kissing his head. 

"Kwan, get off. That's enough." He pushes Seungkwan off of him, into the wall, and laughs awkwardly. "Ha...Kwan...you really beg for hugs a lot when you're sick. Are you drunk or something too?"

Seungkwan just stands there, with nothing to say. Again...You hug me...then push me to the ground... He's not surprised to be pushed away, but it still hurts.

"Go home, Kwan. I'll cover your shift." Wonwoo waves goodbye and walks out.

What the hell was that? Why did he push Kwan off like he's some kind of disease?  "Um...Kwan, let's go. I'll take you home." Mingyu walks up to him, but he walks by without saying anything.

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