#17 Comfort

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*Trigger warning*

*3 weeks later*

"Kwan, our professor wants to talk to you."

"Our professor? You mean my old professor?"

"Uh...yeah. Her. She asked me to bring you after you were done with practice."

"Why? What does she need from me?"

"I don't know, I'm just the messenger. What's wrong? She used to be your favorite professor?"

"She's not my professor anymore, hyung. I have to go to work. I don't have time to meet her-"

"Common. Just for a few minutes."

Seokmin drags Seungkwan from his piano to the other side of the music hall and pushes him into the professor's office. "Yah, hyung-"

"Good morning, Seungkwan."

He frowns when he sees the professor and tries to leave but Seokmin already slammed the door shut.

"Good morning...professor."

"Take a seat please."

He listens and sits across from her desk while nervously looking around.


"Yes Ma'am?"

"Why did you leave the vocal program for piano and songwriting? You were one of our best vocalists and you love singing. But you transferred without talking to me or any of the other professors."

"I'm not that good, singing isn't really my thing anymore. I like the piano."

"I spoke with your new professor and she said you aren't learning very fast and that you don't seem to like it."

"Well she's wrong. I do like it. I don't want to sing anymore." Seungkwan sighs when he sees the exact people he was trying to avoid in the music hall, walk by the professor's office and make eye contact with him. Fuck...

"Seungkwan are you listening?"

He looks up from the window and realizes he didn't hear a word she just said. "Uh..sorry?"

"Are you interested?"

"Interested in what?"

She sighs and hands Seungkwan a pamphlet. "This program. I recommended you for it. It's to study abroad for a year in the New York vocal academy. The academy you dreamed of going to."

Seungkwan snatches the pamphlet, and his eyes widen. Seokmin and I have talked about this program since high school. They both dreamed of going, but Seungkwan gave up when he transferred. "Why would you recommend me? What about Seokmin and your other students? I'm not even in your major anymore?"

"They take three students. I recommended you, Seokmin and one other talented vocal major. So, what do you say? You can't miss this opportunity?"

"Sorry, but I don't think it's for me. I told you. I don't want to sing anymore." Seungkwan stands up and heads to the door.

"At least think about it. I don't know what made you give up, but you have a beautiful talent, don't waste it." She smiles and hands him the pamphlet again as he leaves.

He walks down the hallway, lost in his thoughts. How could I go? I'm not even in this major. I should just toss it. He reaches for the trashcan, but a pair of hands snatches the pamphlet before he gets there.

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