#23 Jeju pt.1

250 22 17

"Yes, we're here."

Seungkwan sits up and holds his head while looking out the window. He hasn't visited home in over three years, since he graduated. It feels weird to him. 

"Does your head hurt?" Mingyu asks, noticing that he's squinting and holding his head.

"No, it's fine." Mingyu sees Seungcheol walking up to the car with his parents and waves at him to come out.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm nervous...I don't know how much hyung told them...I don't want them to be ashamed of me when I'm already such a failure."

"Kwan, don't say that. You're not a failure, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. Look at them, they're smiling, waiting for you." Mingyu takes his hand and rubs it, he would hug him, but it's a little awkward with his family staring at them.

He opens the car door and hops out while helping Seungkwan out. He gets out of the car and keeps his head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Mingyu walks towards them and Seungkwan follows but his head starts hurting again and he feels dizzy and starts to fall.

"Kwannie-" Seungcheol runs towards him and Mingyu quickly picks him up.

"Kwan! I've got you, are you okay?"

Seungkwan nods, but he's obviously not okay. This is why I said you shouldn't have come tonight...I wish Cheol would've listened to me. "You need to eat and take medicine."

"Put me down, please...it's embarrassing...I can walk-"

"I'll put you on my back, that's your only other option, so choose."


Mingyu puts him down and crouches over so that he can get on his back before standing back up.

"Are you okay, Kwannie?" Seungcheol asks while Seungkwan wraps his arms around Mingyu's chest.

"Just a little dizzy, I'm sorry."

"He needs to eat." Mingyu interrupts as Seungkwan's parents walk towards them.

Mingyu gives a small bow, since he's holding Seungkwan and smiles at his confused parents.

"Let's get him inside then we can get to introductions."

Mingyu nods and follows the couple and Seungcheol into their home. It's a nice home, two floors and looks spacious. Mingyu wasn't expecting this, because Seungkwan said they didn't grow up well off. He looks around a little while Seungcheol leads him to what he assumes is the living room.

"Here, set him down here. Mom will make him food."

Mingyu listens and sets him down on the couch carefully as his parents walk over to him.

His father gives him a hug and a small warm smile. "I'm glad you're home, Seungkwan, your mother and I really missed you."

His mother bends down to hug him and holds his face. "You're so thin now Seungkwan, let me go cook you a big meal." She smiles and is about to walk away but then she remembers the stranger by Seungcheol.

"Seungcheol, who might this be?" She asks politely while gesturing at Mingyu.

"Oh right. This is Kim Mingyu. He is my friend from college and he's also good friends with Kwannie, he came with me...to keep him company during the drive and say goodbye. I hope it's okay."

Their mother smiles and walks towards Mingyu. "Of course it's okay, sweetie. I love meeting your friends." She gives Mingyu a hug and laughs. "You sure are a tall and handsome one, I bet all the girls go crazy for you."

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