#21 Ice Cold

311 21 32

*Trigger Warning*

Mingyu rushes to Seungkwan and Vernon's apartment and knocks loudly.

Vernon opens the door within seconds, hoping it's Seungkwan, but looks disappointed when he sees Mingyu.

"He's still not home?"


Vernon let's Mingyu in and he starts pacing in the kitchen.

"Seungcheol and Jeonghan hyung are looking for him, so is Soonyoung." Vernon sits Mingyu down on the couch and sits across from him. "So what happened? Did you stop them?"

"Yes, only a few people saw it I think, and since they posted it on Instagram, it was easy to use as evidence. But I deleted it, and the police will delete the rest."

Vernon sighs and nearly cries from the relief and anger he feels. "I can't believe they posted it, what if Kwannie saw? I'm really scared that he saw it...and the comments."

"His phone is off, I don't think he saw. Where did he go last time when he ran away? Would he be in the same place?"

"I don't even know where he went. I don't know his friends from his other jobs, I assumed it was one of them."

"Maybe I should check the music store he words at-"

Vernon stops him from getting up. "It's two in the morning. They're closed. They will find him, they have to."

Both sit in silence for a few minutes until Vernon speaks, he needs to talk about something to calm himself down. "How did you get them arrested? I mean their parents surely tried to get them out?"

"They did get them out, but they will still get fined, and face charges. They won't be able to return to the university either, the school is also suing them."

Vernon sits up and grabs his hand. "What? How?"

"I asked my father for a favor."

"Your father?" Vernon remembers Seungkwan mentioning that Mingyu was well off but he doesn't know what Mingyu or his parents do. "How does he have the power to do that?"

"Well...he works for the government, and has some power in law enforcement...and law."

"Hmm? Is he like a lawyer?"

"Yeah...something like that."

"Must be a great lawyer to have that kind of power."

Mingyu laughs. "Yeah, he's pretty good at his job, my mother is a prosecutor too, so they didn't really stand a chance against me."

"Wow, really?"


"Then what do you do?"

Mingyu sighs and looks at the door.

"I'm just trying to pass time by talking, it's a good distraction, but if you don't want to talk it about it, that's okay."

"I don't do much...I just take pictures and sing."

"Oh...Your parents didn't want you to work in law like them?"

"Of course they did. I even went to law school, but I told them it's not my passion. They're very strict but as long as I don't get in trouble, they said I can do what I want."

"But I thought that you work?"

"I do...sometimes. I do photography, sometimes filming, but I've been on a break for the last few months, trying to find more inspiration...and remember why I even started taking pictures in the first place."

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