#9 FWB

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Seungkwan starts to wake from the noise of his ringtone. He picks up his phone and answers without checking the caller.

"Hello?" He speaks with a raspy and sleepy voice.

"Kwannie, do you want an extra shift right now? I need help today."

Seungkwan looks at the time and processes that it's already one in the afternoon and that he's talking to Jeonghan. "uh...Yeah, I can be there soon."

"Are you sure, you sound pretty tired? Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, I went to sleep at like four."

"Why?! Did you practice too late last night or something?"

"Uh-" He looks down at Wonwoo who is starting to wake up from the noise. He forgot that he's in Wonwoo's bed and in Wonwoo's arms. "Hyung, l...let me call you right back-"

Wonwoo groans loudly and accidentally knocks Seungkwan's phone out of his hand, onto the nightstand.

He leans over to Seungkwan and kisses his lips then his cheeks. "Good morning, baby. Why are you awake? You should sleep more since I went a little too rough last night."

"Did I just hear a fucking kiss? Who was that? Baby? WENT ROUGH WITH WHAT? Hello?"

Seungkwan sits up quickly and reaches for his phone, but Wonwoo grabs his neck before he can move. "Why are you leaving, I wanna sleep a little longer." Wonwoo asks, his voice also raspy from just waking up.

"Who the hell are you sleeping with?" Jeonghan starts yelling.

"Won-Shut up!" Seungkwan slaps his mouth shut but Wonwoo is confused and moves his hand from his mouth.

"Hey! Kwannie, why are you-get off."

Seungkwan points at his phone and finally picks it up.

"Boo Seungkwan! What the hell am I hearing?"

"N...Nothing Hyung. I will be there soon. I'm j...just watching a movie." Seungkwan quickly hangs up and throws himself back down on the bed. "Fuck."

Wonwoo is finally awake now, but still lost. He crawls onto Seungkwan and straddles his waist. "What just happened?"

"I was on the phone with Jeonghan, he heard you, everything you just said. He fucking heard all of it." Seungkwan covers his face and yells into his hands.

Wonwoo moves his hands down and grabs his cheeks. "Kwannie, I'm sure it's fine, he probably doesn't know it's me."

"Wonwoo, you're literally cousins, obviously he knows what you sound like. You have a very recognizable deep voice."

Wonwoo giggles and bends down to kiss him. "He would be calling me by now if he thought it was me. Don't worry, baby."

He pushes Wonwoo off to get up and starts pacing. "He's gonna kill me, then Cheol hyung is gonna kill you, then me again."

Wonwoo stands up and hugs Seungkwan. "If he realizes it's me, just tell him you spent the night."

"They will think it's weird that I just randomly spent the night, and he heard you kiss me."

"That's not weird." Wonwoo leans down and kisses him again. "You used to spend the night all the time before...we started this."

'This.' Everything that was said last night comes back to Seungkwan's mind. "Yeah...I forgot, it's not weird because we're just friends." He laughs and walks into the bathroom.

He looks in the mirror and has to bite his tongue to stop himself from crying. I'm so pathetic. He's all over me this morning too and kissing me...I know he's doing it because he can tell I'm mad...but why do I just ignore it and hope for more?

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