#31 Ready

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Mingyu squeezes Seungkwan's hand back and speeds down the road.

He pulls into his parking garage and jumps out of the car to let Seungkwan out.

They walk back up, leaving everything in the car because they're too tired to carry it up.

Kwanah looks really tired, we should probably just sleep...I shouldn't have let him carry the heavy stuff... He sighs and puts his arm around him as they walk to his door.


"Hmm?" Mingyu replies while they walk into his apartment.

"Is it okay if I shower first?"

"Yes, of course." He really is tired...

"Thank you." Seungkwan smiles and heads to the bathroom while Mingyu slightly pouts and waits for him to come out.

I could've asked to join...? NO! That's weird...or is it? Fuck...why is everything to hard to figure out? He jumps when the bathroom door opens and Seungkwan comes out. He didn't realize how long he'd been standing by the door, thinking,

"Are you okay? Why are you waiting by the door? Did I take too long?"

Mingyu kisses him and moves his wet bangs from his face. "No...I was just waiting to see you." He looks Seungkwan up and down and smiles. "You look so cute in my clothes. Are you going to sleep now?"

"Hmm...I'm tired, but I'll wait for you. I want to cuddle with you before I sleep." He giggles and runs off to the bedroom.

He's so fucking adorable. I better hurry so he doesn't have to wait. He runs into the shower and washes up as quickly as possible.

Wait...I forgot... 

He walks out of the bathroom and peeks around the door of his room.

Seungkwan, who is laying on the bed, staring at his phone, notices him and laughs. "Gyu? Why are you hiding?"

He walks into the room and blushes as he heads to his closet in just a towel. "I forgot my clothes." He runs into the closet and starts grabbing his clothes. So embarrassing...

He freezes when he feels a pair of cold hands slide around his waist. "Um...K...kwanah?"

Seungkwan hugs his back and kisses his shoulder while rubbing his abs.

"W..what are you doing?"

"I want to cuddle." Seungkwan lets go of him and Mingyu turns around to face him.

He's got the same look in his eyes from earlier...

"Do you want to cuddle?" Seungkwan asks him while slightly pouting.

"Uh...shouldn't I get dressed f...first?"

"Why?" He grabs Mingyu's towel and pulls him closer. "You know I like to be warm."


Seungkwan smiles at how red Mingyu is turning. "You don't want to?" Seungkwan lets go of his waist and walks back into the bedroom.

"Kwanah." Mingyu stops him and pulls their bodies together while sliding his hand behind Seungkwan's neck. "Are you sure You're ready?"

Seungkwan looks up at him and he can practically see the love dripping from his eyes.

"Yes." Seungkwan answers.

He doesn't hold himself back anymore and crashes his lips into Seungkwan's. This is like the kiss from earlier, full of hunger and lust but also love.

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