#13 Amusement Park

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Mingyu wakes up from a burning pain on his neck. Why is it so hot? He opens his eyes slowly and freezes when he feels Seungkwan. I...Is he- Mingyu flinches when he realizes Seungkwan's lips are touching his neck. He tenses up from each hot breath that tickles his neck.

Seungkwan is curled up in Mingyu's arms with his face nestled into his neck. Mingyu is sweating from the heat of their bare skin touching all night, but he refuses to move Seungkwan and wraps his arms around his waist.

Last night's events suddenly play back in his head, and he starts to panic. I can't believe I kissed him...twice...that was my first time kissing a guy myself...I..I just thought that it was the best way to calm him down. What if he remembers that I kissed him...he's going to question me...fuck what do I say...what if he's creeped out?

He feels Seungkwan start to move and instantly shuts his eyes and pretends to sleep.

Seungkwan stretches a little and slides his hands across Mingyu's chest while yawning. He slowly opens his eyes and moves his face from Mingyu's neck. "Huh...?" He sits up a little and fully registers that he's shirtless, in Mingyu's arms with his hands on Mingyu's naked chest. He gasps loudly and takes his hands off to cover his mouth.

Mingyu opens his eyes and smiles at Seungkwan, which scares him. "M..Mingyu Hyung?" He backs up and falls off the bed.

"Kwan!" Mingyu jumps off the bed and picks him up off the ground. "Are you okay?"

"I...I'm F..fine." He jumps out of Mingyu's arms and stares him up and down.

"Why're you so shocked?"

"I...I...Why are you, and I-How did I get here...I didn't do anything weird did I?"

He doesn't remember at all...good he won't remember the kiss then... Mingyu sighs out of relief and smiles. He pushes Seungkwan to sit down the bed and laughs a little; Seungkwan's confused face is so adorable to him. "I came to apologize to you last night, but you were making out with that little friend of yours, Chan and talking all sorts of nonsense. You were completely wasted."

"I kissed Chan?!"

"Yeah, you kissed a lot of people yesterday-"

"Who else?!"

Mingyu laughs again and pets his head. "Just me, don't worry."

"What?! I'm sorry..." Seungkwan hangs his head low and starts to turn red from embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's not like it's our first kiss."

"But...how did I end up here?"

"You didn't want to go home, you started crying and begged me not to leave you."

"Oh my god. I'm so embarrassed." He covers his face while shaking his head. "I'm sorry...If I did anything else weird-" He looks up and starts blushing. He starts to feel exposed seeing himself next to Mingyu. He knew Mingyu was in good shape, but he didn't think he'd be this fit. He grabs the sheet and wraps it around himself and hides in it.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" He's so cute when he's flustered.

Seungkwan can't decide if he's embarrassed or flustered, the most attractive man he's ever seen is shirtless in front of him, but he's also embarrassed to be shirtless in front of him. "C..can I have my shirt?"

"Uhh...let me find it." Mingyu starts looking around and laughing. "You're extra shy right now."

"How can I not be in front of you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um, have you looked in a mirror before? You're the hottest person I know...and I...well I can't even compare."

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