#39 Private Paradise

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"It's going to be so beautiful."

"You said there's a beach, right? I bet the sunsets there are pretty."

"No. I'm not talking about the beach. I'm talking about you."


Mingyu puts his bag down, which Seungkwan made him pack for the both of them, and gently grabs his waist to pull him closer. "The sun shining in your eyes, you smiling and sleeping peacefully, and if I even hear the slightest bit of laughter from you, I think it will be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."


"It will be even prettier than your cute, flustered face right now." He lightly gives him a peck and let's go before grabbing his bag again. "Come on, we can't miss the flight."

Seungkwan looks around at everyone and quickly puts his head down to hide his blush even though no one is looking at them. Ever since this morning when he woke up in Mingyu's arms after avoiding him for a week, he's felt so bad. Mingyu has been extra sweet to him even though he hasn't done anything to deserve it.

After a long check in process and a lot of waiting, they are finally able to board the plane. It's packed full of course, but Mingyu is proud that Seungkwan doesn't seem to mind the crowd as much.

"Are you okay?" He asks just in case Seungkwan is hiding how he really feels.

"I'm fine-" He stops and looks up at Mingyu's warm smile and shakes his head a little. "Actually...I'm a little nervous. I've never been on a plane...I didn't think I'd be scared of flying, but-"

"You like roller coasters, right?"

He nods.

"Well, this is just a big roller coaster."

Seungkwan laughs, he's thankful for the analogy. "You're right-Wait, but you're scared of heights. Will you be okay?"

Mingyu kisses him to put his mind at ease and holds his hand as they enter the plane. "I've been on planes so many times that it doesn't bother me much. But turbulence does scare me a little."

Seungkwan leans to his cheek and kisses him.

"Is this my payment for the hour?"

He grabs Mingyu's neck to pull him down and gives him a more passionate kiss on the lips. "No, this is."

"Much better." He scoffs playfully.

The flight attendant directs them to their seats at the front of the plane. The area that they are led to, is a lot quieter than the rest of the plane, there's a bar and way less people, and private seating.

"Gyu, what is this?"

"Hm...404..405...Here we are!" Mingyu puts their bags above their seats which are in the corner, by a window, perfectly out of everyone's view.

"Gyu, is this first class?"

He hums and tries to pull Seungkwan over, but he won't budge from his spot. "What's wrong?"


"Kwanah, I always fly first class, and I want to sit alone with you, not with some random strangers knitting next to us. See-" He points at the seats, which conveniently have a partition wall you can pull up for privacy. "It's completely private, isn't it nice?"

Seungkwan cautiously nods while sitting next to him. He's worried that Mingyu only paid for first class because he thought he'd be uncomfortable around a crowd.

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