#7 Group Project

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It's been a few days since Mingyu has seen or heard from Seungkwan. He's been ignoring Mingyu's texts and calls. "Is he still mad at me?"

"What did you say, Mingyu?" 

Mingyu turns to Jihoon and Joshua. "Did I say something?"

"See, I told you he isn't listening."

"No...sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

"I can see that. What's been bothering you so much lately?"

Jihoon starts smiling and slaps Joshua's arm. "It's obviously girl problems. Is it your ex again?"

"Really? Is she bothering you again?"

Wonwoo sighs and passes Mingyu his daily coffee. "Is she trying to get back with you again?"

"What? No. It's not about her...I just...well I'm just kinda interested in someone."

"Wait, really?"

"Woah? You are?" Jihoon scoots closer and whispers. "Who is it, do I know her?"

"No...She's a friend of a friend." Mingyu sighs while speaking.

"Doesn't sound like it's going very well?" Wonwoo asks.

"It's not...it's kinda complicated right now."

Joshua smiles and taps Mingyu's shoulder. "We're always here to talk, and if you need advice, I can try my hardest to help."

"Thanks, hyung."

They all turn to the door that opens as Seungcheol walks in. "Oh, hey you're all here?"

They wave and Jeonghan walks over to him and gives him a hug. "Cheollie? What are you doing here so early?"

"Kwan left his school bag at the bar last night, I was gonna go take it to him before his practice ended." He lifts the bag to show Jeonghan.

Jeonghan takes it and glares at Seungcheol. "I will take it."

"What? Why? You kinda have a cafe to run."

"Wonwoo can run it. Kwan already asked me to take it, I was about to go get it."

"Why didn't he ask me, he knows you're working?"

Jeonghan rolls his eyes and starts taking off his apron and hat. "Hmm? I wonder why? Maybe because you've been giving him the cold shoulder all week because he broke those wine cases and was late once. You've been a jerk all week."

"What? No I haven't!" Seungcheol crosses his arms and sits next to Mingyu while Jeonghan rolls his eyes again.

"Yes, you have. You made him cry yesterday because you yelled at him when he accidentally took ten extra minutes on his lunch break because he fell asleep. And you keep mentioning the wine case he broke even though he already paid for it and apologized a thousand times."

"Hyung! Why are you being so mean to Kwan?" Joshua asks.

"Well...I was just trying to make him focus more...he keeps spacing out at work and messing up."

"That doesn't mean you can make him cry or yell at him, you're not just his boss, you're his brother too."

"It's just a little tough love, he will get over it. He knows I don't mean it."

"Seungcheol!!" Mingyu yells and startles everyone.

"Yah! Why are you so mad, Mingyu?"

"You're still mad about the wine? And what? You made him cry for falling asleep?"

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