#33 Happy

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"Are you ready, Kwanah?"

Seungkwan nods as he pulls his usual black hoodie over his head. "Yeah...do you think it will be okay?"

"We've been secretly dating for weeks now without getting caught, even by Han hyung. It will be fine." He smiles and grabs Seungkwan's hand as they walk out of his apartment.

I hope it will be okay. It's not the right time for Cheol to find out, not when you're still like this.

He sighs as Seungkwan gets into his car with a frown.

I thought you would be smiling more with me, I thought you would be happy...why do I feel like I'm making you worse?

"I'm sorry."

"Hmm?" He turns to Seungkwan who's frown has grown even bigger. 

"I'm being such a downer, aren't I?" He laughs and smiles at Mingyu. "I just get nervous thinking about hyung. Sorry if I made you feel bad after we had such a nice date."

"Kwanah, you're not being a downer." He pets his head and grabs his hand as he drives off. "I'm nervous about him too, but don't worry too much, okay? I pretended to be straight for half a year, I can fake being just friends for a few hours. Even though it kills me not to hold your hand or kiss you every second." He pouts and pulls Seungkwan's hand to his mouth to kiss. "Did you like the date?"

"Yes!" He smiles and wraps his arms around Mingyu's arm. "It was really beautiful to be on the water and watch the sunrise."

"Really? You seem kind of tired though?"

"We woke up really early so I'm pretty tired, but the view was worth it. It was my first time on a boat like that, thank you for taking me."

Why does he sound sad? Did he actually not like it? But he seemed to enjoy it...or did he?

"Wait! I forgot, if they see us arrive together, isn't that...suspicious?"

Mingyu parks the car and laughs. "No, I mean we're always together, even before dating. Plus, you work with me now-"

"Um...well, they don't know that part."

"They don't know that we work together? Why?"

"I...I didn't want to tell hyung." Seungkwan looks down and sighs. "I don't want him to keep being mean to you, I feel bad enough for ruining your friendship."

"Kwanah, you didn't ruin our friendship."

"But you two aren't friends anymore and it's because of me-"

"No." Mingyu grabs his hand and looks him in the eyes. "We're still friends...it's just complicated because Cheol is...overprotective..."

"I guess-"

"We should tell him that we work together. Then we'll have a good excuse to be together all the time."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

Mingyu can see that Seungkwan has been stressing over this. "It's better that we tell him before he just finds out, then he'd be even more upset."

"Okay...I'll tell him. But if he says anything to you-"

"It will be fine." He pulls Seungkwan closer and kisses him softly. "It's gonna be hard to fake it, common Kwan."

Seungkwan laughs and hops out of the car.

They walk into the bar, which is now closed. When they enter, they can hear laughter and loud talking coming from the middle of the bar where everyone is gathered.

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