#6 Clumsy

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"Kwan, you look awful. Did you even sleep?"

"Yeah, I slept a little last night, after work. Don't worry."

"I heard you come in at like two in the morning and you were gone when I woke. What time did you come in today?"

"I came in at five."


"Shhhh. This is a library, remember."

"Kwan, you can't keep pulling these all-nighters anymore. Don't you remember what happened last time?"


"Remember, you fell asleep while walking down the stairs and would've died if Chan hadn't been behind you and grabbed you quick enough."

"Oh...right. That."

"What time do you get off? I will take you home since your car is still broken."

"I have to work at the bar once I'm done with my shift here."

Vernon sighs and watches as Seungkwan puts piles of books onto shelves while looking like he could fall asleep any second. "Kwan, this isn't healthy. Why are you working so much? I told you, If you need help with mone-"

"No." Seungkwan slams a stack of books on the table that Vernon is sitting at and tries to calm down.


"I told you not to bring that up. I don't need help."

"But, I can at least help pay for your car, if you would just let me-"

"I said no!" Sengkwan storms off to organize another shelf. Ugh...I wish I hadn't told Vernon about this job too. Tears start to well up in his eyes but he doesn't even know why. Why am I crying? He looks back and sees Vernon walking towards him so he runs off to the front of the library. Dammit. He's going to think I'm crazy for crying...maybe I really am too tired...or maybe I am crazy. He heads to the front of the library, practically running while mumbling to himself and trying to hide the tears streaming down his face. He looks back to see if Vernon is following him and feels his body completely slam into something, or someone. He falls to the ground hard and drops the books he was carrying.


He looks up and sees Mingyu with a worried expression. "Mingyu?" Oh, that's right, he said he was coming here.

Mingyu grabs Seungkwan's arms and lifts him up.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Seungkwan rubs Mingyu's chest and apologizes again. "Did I hit you hard?"

"I'm fine, but are you?" Mingyu picks up the books that Seungkwan was holding and notices that he's crying. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?! Why are you crying?"

"Kwan, are you okay?" They both turn to face Vernon. "Are you hurt, you're crying?"

"I...I'm fine. I'll be right back." He runs out of the library straight into the bathroom. "Calm down. They will think you're crazy if you have a mental breakdown right now...just breathe Seungkwan." He splashes water on his face and wipes away the tears before putting on a fake smile and heading back to the library.

"Kwan, are you really okay?" Vernon grabs his arm and puts him in a chair.

Mingyu also looks at him with worry and keeps apologizing.

"Guys, I'm fine. I just wasn't paying attention. I need to get back to work." He gets up and walks back to the original shelf he was trying to organize.

Mingyu watches him and gets more worried seeing how tired he looks.

"By the way, what are you doing here, Mingyu?"

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