#20 Runaway

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*Trigger Warning*

"Boo Seungkwan!"

Seungkwan sighs and walks back out of his room that he just entered.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Vernon pulls him into his arms and squeezes him tight. "I was so scared something happened. Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry."

Vernon lets go of him and looks him over. "Where have you been? It's been days! You look sick-"

Minghao walks out from Vernon's room and gives him a small hug. "I'm glad you're back."

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, really." He stops Vernon from patting him down.

"Kwan, you were gone for three days? Where did you go? You weren't with Jun or your parents or anyone else, Seungcheol has been freaking out every day. And Mingyu won't stop calling everyone, looking for you."

"How is Wonwoo?"

Vernon's worried expression turns into an irritated expression in seconds. "What? Wonwoo? Are you seriously worried about that bitch right now?"

Minghao pulls Vernon back and whispers. "Calm down."

Seungkwan sighs and walks into his bedroom then shuts his door and locks it.

"Kwan? Hey don't lock-" Vernon tries to open the door. "Kwan! Hey don't get mad."


Vernon waits for a couple of minutes until Seungkwan comes back out.

"I'm not mad." He walks towards the door and puts his shoes back on.

"Where are you going?"


"Where-Don't tell me you're going to see Wonwoo?"

"I'm just going out."

"To see Wonwoo."


"Why? Are you really not going to give up on him? Seungcheol will never let you two be together, and neither will I-"

"I don't care." Seungkwan walks out the door and slams it behind him.

"Kwan!" Vernon takes out his phone and starts a group message.


Kwannie came home.


What? He's home now?

I'm coming.


Is he okay?


He's home???

Yeah, is he okay?

Where has he been?

What did he say?


He just left.

He wouldn't tell me anything.

He said he's fine.

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