#16 Confession

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"Yah! I didn't know you were this funny!"

"Hyung! Stop laughing at me! I'm not being funny. This is serious!"

"Kwannie, calm down. Mingyu is just laughing because you're a comedian."

"Non, I'm not a comedian!"

"Hyung, you're hilarious, only Seokmin hyung can make me laugh more than you."

"Chan, you too?"

"Do it again, hyung. Do it!"

"I'm not doing it again."

"Kwannie, common. Mingyu and Chan want to see it again, we won't laugh, I promise."

"Fine. It goes like this right?" Seungkwan does the dance moves that Chan taught him this morning and everyone bursts into laughter. He stops immediately and starts pouting. "You guys are mean, I'm doing them exactly like Chan taught me!"

"But how can you look so cute doing it!" Mingyu stands up and imitates the moves.

"Mingyu stop, you're hurting my eyes. Only Kwannie and Chan can do it."

"You're right, I'm not cute like Kwan." Mingyu hugs Seungkwan and tries to make him stop pouting.

"Chan looks hot doing it, but you look so cute Kwannie."


"You think I look hot doing it?" Chan smiles and pokes Vernon so he'll compliment him again.

Seungkwan continues to pout and pushes Mingyu off of him. "I'm never dancing for you again, Seokmin says I dance good, you guys are just mean." He huffs and sits back down on his couch and pushes Vernon away from him.

"Aww, but you do dance good, really good. You just look so adorable doing it." Mingyu sits on the couch and traps Seungkwan in his arms.

Vernon hops off the couch to get them more drinks and pulls Chan with him.

"Yah, hyung, why are you pulling me into the kitchen?"

Vernon smiles and points at Mingyu who is kissing Seungkwan on the cheek while squeezing him.


"I'm giving them space."

"Space, why? Mingyu is just playing with him."

"I want them together."

"What? Together? Like dating?"

"Yeah." Vernon starts digging through the fridge for more soju and snacks.

"Um, isn't Mingyu straight?"

"Maybe? Maybe not. Who knows?"

Chan looks at them and his smile fades. Mingyu is still hugging him and they're laughing about something together now. "I guess they are pretty close...but that guy only cheated on Kwan like less than two weeks ago, isn't it too soon?"

"I'm not saying they're getting married; I just want them to get closer...I want Kwan to see how much Mingyu likes him."

"You shouldn't meddle in their business."

"I'm not meddling, I'm just helping." Vernon walks back to the couch and hands a beer to Mingyu and a soda to Seungkwan.

"Soda? Am I a kid?"

"Yes you are a child, and you aren't allowed to drink right now. So enjoy your cream soda, kiddo."

Seungkwan rolls his eyes and tries to steal Mingyu's beer, but Mingyu shoves the soda in his face instead. 

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