#30 Shooting Stars

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Seungkwan wakes up and frowns at the empty bed. He gets up and looks for Mingyu. Hmm...he's not here? He walks into the kitchen and sees food on the bar with a note.

Eat this.

All of it. Every bite. Or else.

I went to the gym, I'll be back at 9  :)

-Love Gyu <3

Seungkwan looks at the clock and smiles. Five minutes until nine! He eats the plate of food quickly while staring at the door impatiently.

The second he hears the door open he runs over and watches Mingyu walk through the door. Wow...

Mingyu looks up and smiles. He walks over to Seungkwan and kisses him on the forehead. "Good morning, beautiful."

Seungkwan just stares at Mingyu and keeps looking him up and down. His eyes trace every single muscle on Mingyu's shirtless torso as sweat drips down his abs.

"What's wrong?" He pets Seungkwan's head and looks down to see if something's on him.

"Why are you so hot...and muscly?"

Mingyu starts laughing. "What?"

Seungkwan puffs his cheeks and pokes his bicep. "I forgot you even workout, I thought you just somehow magically woke up looking like this every day."

He laughs again and grabs Seungkwan's hands. "You're so funny. I go to the gym to get stronger so I can hold my cute teddy bear whenever he wants."

"You must be tired." Seungkwan hugs him and kisses his neck.

"Wait, I'm sweaty-"

"I don't care." He kisses his lips and smiles up at him. "Wait."

Mingyu sees his smile turn into a pout and grabs his face. "Why is my Kwanah pouting? Because I'm too hot?" He laughs but Seungkwan's pout only grows sadder. 

"Do you go to the gym like this? That's not fair...everyone will be looking at you."

"They can look all they want, the only person I'm looking at is you." He bends down a little and kisses him. "Did you eat your breakfast?"

"Mhmm. Thank you."

Mingyu raises his eyebrow but sees the empty plate and smiles. "Good." 

He smiles again and walks towards the bathroom, but Seungkwan hugs his back and won't let go. "Kwanah, I have to shower so we can go."

"But I don't want to let go." Seungkwan whines a little, trying to act cute.

Mingyu walks into the bathroom and turns the shower on. "Well, it will be hard to shower with you on me, but I'm sure I can make it work-"

Seungkwan lets go and starts blushing while backing up.

Mingyu smiles and kisses him while slowly pushing him out the door. "Change into the clothes on the table in the closet, I'll be out soon."

Seungkwan nods and pouts when the door shuts in his face. He goes to the closet and grabs the clothes on the table. "Hmm? Why would I wear these? Are we going hiking?"

Seungkwan puts the clothes on and waits on the couch until he feels a kiss on the back of his head.

He leans his head back and looks up at Mingyu.

Mingyu kisses him again and looks at his outfit. "You look cute. Is the color, okay?" He's worried because it's white and not black. 

"The color is fine...Are we going hiking?"

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