#40 Just Us

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"Kwan...what are you-" Mingyu finally opens his eyes after a few minutes of feeling someone's soft lips dance around his neck as an attempt to softly wake him up. He looks at Seungkwan's warm smile and feels a sting in his chest from how much he longed for this moment. Seungkwan looks happy, content, safe, something Mingyu hasn't noticed in him for a while. This trip, although it hasn't been long, has already brought color back to Seungkwan. Mingyu couldn't be happier, he only wished he had swept Seungkwan away sooner. 

"I'm sorry, did you want to sleep more?" Seungkwan whispers as he peppers more kisses down Mingyu's bare chest.

"How could I possibly sleep when you're being so cute?"

Seungkwan huffs lightly at the complement. "Come on." He pulls Mingyu out of the bed and straight into the bathroom where he pushes him to sit on the counter.

Mingyu sits there silently as Seungkwan shuffles around and pulls random things out of their suitcases they've yet to unpack.

"What are you doing, my love?"

Seungkwan smiles, he loves it when Mingyu calls him "my love", although he'd never admit it. "Ah, found it!"

He walks over to Mingyu and pats his face with a wet towel before lathering on face wash.

Mingyu just laughs, he's amused and doesn't want to question him as he continues.

Seungkwan gently washes Mingyu's face and hands him his toothbrush before nudging him to brush his teeth.

Mingyu listens and finishes up as Seungkwan applies moisturizer to his face and kisses him before pulling him off the counter.

Mingyu doesn't understand what he did to deserve this sudden princess treatment, but he stays silent and enjoys how happy Seungkwan looks. "Did you?" He looks around and realizes the kitchen smells like something was burning.

Seungkwan sits him down at the table and pushes a plate towards him.

"You cooked?!"

Seungkwan nods while sitting next to him and smiles shyly. "I...wanted to do something...if it's bad, don't eat it."

"You got up early just to cook for me?"


"And-" He looks at a little vase in front of him, and notices fresh Iris's placed in it. "Where did these come from? Did you pick these from the garden?"

Seungkwan nods. "Aren't they pretty? They reminded me of you."

"They remind you of me?"

"Yep, they're pretty and you're pretty. Now, eat before it gets cold."

Mingyu picks up his chopsticks and digs in without even asking what it is, although he can tell it's some sort of omelet with sausage, toast and fruit. "Woah! Kwanah, this is really good!"

Seungkwan's smile grows as he scoots closer and watches Mingyu eat.

"Really? Are you sure it's not too salty?"

"No, it's really good!" He finishes eating in just a few minutes and gulps down a cup of orange juice that Seungkwan handed him.

"Kwanah, where's your plate?" Mingyu was so excited to eat, he didn't even realize that Seungkwan was just watching him the whole time. "Aren't you eating?"

"I ate while cooking."


"I swear." Seungkwan gets up to show him his dirty plate in the sink.

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