#3 Friends

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"Cheollie look at Kwannie, he's so pretty." Jeonghan is fawning over the pictures that Jun and Mingyu took of Seungkwan.

"I always tell you how pretty he is." Jun smiles proudly.

"Of course he's pretty, he's my brother. We look identical, both adorable and pretty." Seungcheol cups his face and acts cute in front of Jeonghan and Mingyu.

"You and Kwan? Look alike?" Jun bursts into laughter. "Sometimes I question if you two are really even brothers."

Seungcheol starts walking around the bar and heads towards Jun. "What is that supposed to mean?!"

Mingyu holds Seungcheol back and Jun runs to hide behind Jeonghan.

"Don't test me Jun, I'm still mad at you." Seungcheol sits by Mingyu and looks at the photos. "How did you even convince Kwannie to do this? He hates taking photos?"

"I asked Mingyu to ask him." Jun points at Mingyu.

Seungcheol glares at him. "You asked him? If you're trying to help Jun and mess with my brother, I will disown both of you."

"I'm not!" Mingyu awkwardly laughs and sips his drink. "He's funny, I want to be his friends." A small grin appears on Mingyu's face as he thinks about Seungkwan.

"Are you coming this weekend?" Jeonghan asks Mingyu.

"Coming where?"

"Jun, I told you to tell him."

"Sorry...I forgot." Jun looks at Mingyu. "It's Seungcheol's birthday so we're all going out to a lake house this weekend."

Seungcheol pretends to cry and pout. "You forgot about my birthday?"

"No! I know it's this weekend, but no one told me the plan." Mingyu shoots a glare at Jun. "Of course I will come. Who else is coming?"

"Us four, Jihoon, Wonwoo, Joshua." Seungcheol counts his fingers. "Oh, and Seungkwan is coming, he's bringing his friend too."

Jun stands and looks angry. "What friend? He's not bringing Vernon, is he?"

"Yeah, he's bringing Vernon, Jihoon wanted him to come." Seungcheol points at Jihoon who is hiding in the corner on his computer.

"Who is Vernon? And why don't you like him, Jun?" Mingyu asks.

"Vernon is Kwannie's roommate and best friend. Vernon hates Jun." Jeonghan laughs as he explains.

"Yeah, well I hate him too. Why does he have to come and ruin everything?" Jun gets up and goes to sulk by Jihoon, who ignores him.

"Why do they hate each other?"

"Well Jun was always jealous of how close Kwannie is to Vernon and Vernon hates him because of what Jun did to Kwannie."

I wonder what exactly happened between Jun and Seungkwan. I need to find out so I can push them together. "So, why did Jun dump him, he won't tell me?"

"I don't know, neither will spill. Let's not talk about this anymore today or I might punch him." Seungcheol walks away to the back of the bar.

Mingyu sits by Jun who is still sulking.

"I already have to deal with Wonwoo, and now Vernon is coming? He will never let me near Kwan." Jun sighs and leans back.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Jun." Mingyu comforts him so he will stop whining.


"When is Kwan getting here?" Jun whines while unpacking the snacks he brought.

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