#38 Darkness

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*Trigger Warning Mentions; Suicide and self-harm*

"Kwannie...why did you make me tell Mingyu that you weren't home last night or the night before that...when you were here?"

Seungkwan sighs while staring at the food Minghao made him for breakfast.

"I...I just don't want to see him right now."

Vernon and Minghao raise an eyebrow.

"Why? Did Mingyu do something?"

"Of course not!" Seungkwan looks down and gives up on his food after losing his appetite for the fourth day in a row. "It's my fault. I messed up and now I feel bad...I can't face him right now."

Vernon sits by him and rubs his back. "What happened? I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"No. It is. I embarrassed him in front of his own family and friends and now they are all treating him badly because of me."

"How did you embarrass him?"

Seungkwan sighs, almost wanting to cry just thinking about Mingyu's parents slapping Mingyu for being with someone like him.

Minghao taps Vernon and shakes his head, he can tell it's not a good time to pry.

Seungkwan hears his phone ring and walks to his bedroom to answer.


"Kwannie, do you have class today?"

"I do in a few hours...why?"

"Can you come to the cafe? I want to talk to you...?"

Seungkwan can hear him stumble over his words, which means that it's actually Seungcheol that wants to talk to him.

"I can't-"


"Okay...I'll be there soon."

He knows he can't avoid them forever.

He slips on his favorite black hoodie, Mingyu's hoodie, and heads to the cafe quickly, hoping to get this over with fast.


He walks in, expecting to see Seungcheol angry, but instead gets swept into a hug from Jeonghan.

"Hannie...you do this every time you see me." He pushes him off and looks around, noticing Wonwoo organizing his bookshelves in the corner, but no Seungcheol.

"Because I'm so excited to see your face-" Jeonghan grabs his face and his smile fades into a look of worry.

"Sit down, Kwannie." He lightly pushes him to a table and runs to the coffee bar.

Wonwoo sits in one of the reading chairs and pretends to read while staring at Seungkwan who is too spaced out to notice him.

"Here, Kwannie."

Jeonghan hands him his favorite coffee and a muffin while petting his head.

"Eat this."

"No thanks, hyung."

Jeonghan doesn't push him further and takes it back. "Okay...I'll be right back. Just stay here."

He runs out of the cafe, most likely to grab Seungcheol, he thinks.

Seungkwan stares at his coffee until he sees Wonwoo's reflection in it and looks up.

"Hey-" Wonwoo leans against the table and cups his face. "Kwannie, baby. Why do you look so sick? So pale?"

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