#25 Lie

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*5 Months Later*


Vernon runs and engulfes Seungkwan in the biggest hug he's ever given anyone.


"I don't care. I haven't seen you for four months. I missed you."

Seungcheol laughs and pets Seungkwan's head. "Welcome back, Kwannie."

"Vernon, move, it's my turn." Jeonghan pulls Vernon off of Seungkwan and pulls him into an even tighter hug. "I missed you so much, Kwannie." He pulls him back and looks at him. "Look at you, finally got your pretty tan back and your hair is longer. You look so cute!" He hugs him again and Seungkwan hugs back this time.

"I will unpack your stuff Kwannie." Seungcheol walks into Seungkwan's room and starts unpacking.

"Sit down, Kwannie." Vernon sits him down on the couch and stares at him intently with Jeonghan.

They both look him up and down, expecting to see him smile or get up and try to sit by them like he always does. But he just kinda sits there and looks around like he's never been in there before.

Vernon notices he's just wearing all black again, he thought that by now he'd be back in his fluffy sweaters and favorite pastel colors.

"So...Uh...How are you?" Jeonghan asks, trying to break the awkward silence.

Seungkwan looks up and gives a small smile. "I'm better now. Sorry for worrying everyone."

"That's okay, Kwannie. I'm happy that you're better now." Vernon puts his arm around him and expects him to say more. Usually after they haven't seen each other for a long time, Seungkwan always has a lot to say, but he's just silent.

Jeonghan also waits for him to say something else but he doesn't. He just sits there and stares back at them.

"Umm...Well, Chan and Minghao are excited to see you and of course Soonyoung and Seokmin want to see you too. Can they come over tomorrow?"


Jeonghan looks at Vernon and they both try to think of what to say.

"Jihoon and Joshua want to visit too, I'll tell them to stop by tomorrow."


"Oh!" Vernon perks up with excitement as he speaks. "I bet Mingyu wants to see you, I forgot to tell him you're coming. Let me call him!" Vernon reaches for his phone but Seungkwan stops him.


"Hmm? Did you or Seungcheol tell him already?"



"Don't bother him. I'll see him when I see him." Seungkwan gets up and walks into his bedroom to help Seungcheol.

Jeonghan and Vernon both find his reaction weird. Seungkwan is always excited to see Mingyu, but he looks emotionless right now.

Vernon scoots over to Jeonghan and whispers. "Maybe he's just tired...I'm still gonna tell Mingyu he's back."

"But he said not to bother him-"

"Hyung, it's Mingyu. He's been waiting to see him every day."

Vernon goes into the kitchen and calls Mingyu.


"Hey, hyung..."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Did you hear about Kwannie?"

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