#14 Whiskey

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TW: Minor Violence

"Hey, Wonu. Um...It's been a week...since we spoke. I know you've been avoiding me at work...do you think we could talk now? I really want to explain. I'm sorry you had to hear about me kissing Chan from Vernon and not me. But I can explain, and you misunderstood, I slept at a guy's house, yes, but it was just Mingyu. I would never cheat on you. Nothing happened. Please talk to me. I just-"

The voicemail dial cuts Seungkwan off and sends his voicemail off for Wonwoo to ignore like he has been for a week.

"He really hates me now. I knew this would happen. Why did I have to get drunk and kiss Chan. Why did Wonwoo have to hear Vernon laughing about it with Jeonghan. He thinks I slept with some guy now too. What if he never forgives me?" Seungkwan sighs and walks forward. "Here goes nothing, I guess. I just need to explain myself." He walks up to the elevator and hits Wonwoo's floor.

Ever since the day he spent at the amusement park with Mingyu over a week ago, Wonwoo hasn't messaged him or spoken to him except for one night. He came over and they fought because he overheard Vernon telling Jeonghan about how his friend said that Seungkwan kissed him when he was drunk and went home with another guy. He wouldn't let Seungkwan explain and just drove off. But Seungkwan is getting impatient. He wants to explain himself properly.

So here he is. Standing at Wonwoo's door. He's knocked twice and called, but no one is answering the door. "Sorry, Wonu." Seungkwan enters the passcode and walks in.

He doesn't see anyone in the kitchen or living room, but he see's Wonwoo's shoes and keys are here along with a bag he doesn't recognize. "He must be sleeping." He walks to Wonwoo's bedroom and stops when he hears noises. He looks down and sees a trail of clothes leading to the bedroom. A scene that Seungkwan is familiar with, except usually it's his clothes. He hears two people talking in Wonwoo's room and slowly walks up to the door, where the voices become clearer and he can tell they're not words, but moans. 


He opens the bedroom door, which was cracked and sees Wonwoo, completely naked and inside of another guy that he doesn't recognize. Wonwoo is too busy pressing his lips to the other guy's neck, that he doesn't see Seungkwan at first, until he drops his phone and draws attention to himself on accident.

"S..Seungkwan, what the fuck?!" Wonwoo grabs a sheet to cover the guy as he pulls out and quickly throws pants on.

Seungkwan stands in the doorway, speechless, and bites his tongue to keep his tears away.

"Why are you standing there like an idiot?! Get the hell out!"

He bends down to grab his phone and feels Wonwoo push him out of the doorway as he slams the door shut so Seungkwan can't see the guy inside. He grabs Seungkwan's arm and drags him into the kitchen before pushing him into the counter. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

"Ah-" Seungkwan flinches from the pain and starts crying. "I..I..I-" Seungkwan doesn't know how to speak or what to say. He just wants to disappear and scream. The scene he just walked in on, keeps replaying in his head. "W...Who is...he?"

"Him? He's no one that you should be worried about."


"Why are you crying? You're the one who slept with someone else, why can't I? You probably slept with a bunch of people behind my back when you said you were just 'too busy' to sleep with me. Why can't I sleep with him a few times?"

"A...a few times? Y..you slept with him before?"

Wonwoo laughs and grabs Seungkwan's neck. "Why? Are you jealous? Then you shouldn't have cheated on me first-"

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