#18 Fun

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"Mingyu!" Jeonghan calls him over.

"What's up!"

"You're late, very late. Come here."

Mingyu walks through the bar and sits at a table with Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua.

"What did I miss?"

"Not much, just Wonwoo beating Cheollie's ass in the game as usual."

"Hey, it's not my fault. You didn't back me up. And Wonwoo is a pro, no one can beat him, Hannie."

"Yeah, my cousin is a genius, runs in the family." Jeonghan laughs as Seungcheol and Joshua get up to refill their drinks.

"Why didn't you bring Kwannie?"

"I told him Wonwoo and Seungcheol would be here too and all of a sudden he didn't want to come."

"Probably because of Cheollie, he's been angry at him since he found out he got back with that jerk." Jeonghan sighs and takes a shot while scooting closer to Mingyu.

'That Jerk' Every time he thinks of that guy, he wants to punch something. Ever since he learned about his 'rules' for Seungkwan and how he's treating him worse, he's been trying to stick by Seungkwan every day so he can figure out who it is, but he still has no clue.

"I've seen you with Kwannie almost every day for the last two weeks, did you guys work out whatever issue you had?"

"The issue is still there, very much there. I'm just trying to figure out how to get rid of it."

"How is he though? He hasn't been working much at the cafe or talking to me." Jeonghan pouts and lays on Mingyu's shoulder.

"I don't know...I thought I could get him to leave that guy. But every time I bring it up, he has some excuse saying he'll be better or that he's not that bad."

They both stop talking as everyone comes back to the table and Jeonghan returns to his seat. "Why were you and Jihoon talking in the back secretly?" Jeonghan asks Wonwoo.


"I was asking him about his new boytoy." Jihoon says while laughing.

"Yah, Jihoon!" Wonwoo yells but he and Jihoon are both too tipsy and start laughing at each other.

"You have a boyfriend?" Seungcheol asks.

"Yeah!" Jihoon speaks before Wonwoo can. "I see him leaving his house often and can hear them inside since our walls are so thin. I only ever see him in the dark so I can't remember what he looks like but he's smaller than him and blonde maybe? Kinda reminds me of Kwan-" Jihoon bursts into laughter while Wonwoo hits his arm.

"He does kinda look like Kwan." Joshua adds. "You've been seeing this guy for a while, why do you always sneak him around, we're neighbors. We'll find out eventually."

Wonwoo just rolls his eyes and ignores the question.

"Wait if you've been seeing this guy then what does Jihoon mean by a 'new boytoy'?" Jeonghan asks.

"Right! Him! He was super tall and handsome. I saw him leaving Wonwoo's house this morning while buttoning his clothes." Jihoon covers his mouth while blushing. "I've seen him a few times before too, leaving Wonwoo's in the morning."

Jeonghan stands up and hits Wonwoo on the head. "Yah! What's wrong with you?"


"Really? Don't tell me you're dating both of them?"

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