#35 Older Brother

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*Trigger Warning*

"Boo Seungkwan!" 

Seungkwan jumps from being startled and turns around while holding some files. "Yes..sir...?"

"I told you to take your break already."

"I'm almost done...just give me a few more minutes-Hey!"

Mingyu picks him up and wraps Seungkwan's legs around him. "That's what you said two hours ago."

"Put me down, I swear I'm almost done."

Mingyu leans him against the wall and grabs his chin. "Do I have to make you take a lunch?"

Seungkwan starts laughing at how serious Mingyu looks. "I was waiting to eat with my boss." He leans forward and kisses Mingyu.

"This is not eat-"

Seungkwan won't let Mingyu get another word out as he places his lips on Mingyu's neck.

Mingyu walks to a chair and sits down while grabbing Seungkwan's waist as he starts unbuttoning Mingyu's shirt. "This is not very professional, Mr. Boo."

Seungkwan looks up and pouts. "I can stop-"

"No no no! Don't stop." He grabs Seungkwan's thighs and pulls him back to his lips. He pulls Seungkwan's hoodie off as his phone starts to ring.

Seungkwan stops and looks at his phone in his pocket. "Aren't you gonna get it?"

"No, I can call them back." He resumes the kiss and takes Seungkwan's shirt off and his phone rings for the third time. He's about to put it on silent but Seungkwan slides off his lap and stands up.

He grabs his shirt off the ground and puts it back on.


"You can answer it." He sighs and goes back into the room he was working in before.

Mingyu takes out his phone that's still ringing and answers.


"Mingyu, I have been calling you since yesterday. You haven't rsvp'd for the party this weekend."

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are, your father said you have to. Danah and her parents will be there, you can apologize then."

"Apologize? For what?"


"I don't owe them an apology. I already told her and you that I'm not marrying her and I'm dating someone."

"Then why won't you introduce her to us? You're just pretending again so that you don't have to marry Danah."

"I'm not pretending, Mother. I really am dating someone-"

Seungkwan walks back in since he hears him yelling, but Mingyu doesn't see him.

"Then bring her."

"I'm not bringing her! Why does everyone keep asking me to bring her? I said no already, to you, to father, even to grandfather-"

"Why won't you bring her?"

"I'm not bringing her for you to embarass-"

"Why would we embarrass her? Just bring her-"

Mingyu rolls his eyes, he knows that his mother will be the first to say something if he shows up with Seungkwan. "Yes you will, she's not like everyone there-"

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