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"Thanks for the ride. I'll go ahead then," Jin bade him goodbye as he punched in the code to his unit.

"Aren't you inviting me in?" Jungkook asked

"And why would I?" Jin asked, quite confused with what Jungkook meant.

"I mean, aren't you gonna offer me dinner or tea or coffee? I offered you a ride after all," Jungkook asked shrugged.

Jin gave out a loud huff. How can
someone be as shameless as he was?

"Right, you offered. I did not tell you to give me a ride." Jin said

"Aishh. Fine. I shouldn't have waited for you and just let you rot on the sidewalk." Jungkook said

Jin rolled his eyes, as he started walking towards his unit while mumbling.

"Yah!!! Fine! Stop nagging my conscience and follow me!" Jin said

Jungkook broke into a wide grin and walked inside Jin unit, even slightly pushing Jin aside as like he owned the place.

"Aishh. Is there anything you want to eat?" Jin said

"I can eat anything. Can I turn the TV on?" Jungkook said

God, how shameless can he be?? Jin thought himself

And Jin just ignored him and checked the fridge for anything he could cook while Jungkook casually watched TV in the living room.

Jin not really used to others invading his personal space but right at that moment, he was sure as hell that he wouldn't stop bothering him until he got what he wanted.

Jin ended up cooking ramyeon with vegetables and pork belly for the both of them. Jin noticed Jungkook occasionally glancing at his direction but Jin chose to just ignore Jungkook.

"Hmmm. That smells good," Jungkook beamed as he took a peek at the pan..

"Can you just go back to watching TV and stop bothering me?" Jin asked

"Never thought that you could cook." Jungkook said

"Aishh. I'm not like you. I bet you haven't held a ladle your entire life." Jin said

"Are you underestimating me??" Jungkook said

Jungkook looked so offended. Was Jin has do wrong?

"You're right! I haven't prepared a decent meal my entire life. But I did fry some eggs before but I just burnt them," Jungkook said with a wide grin on his face.

Why is he so proud of his inability to feed himself?? Jin thought himself

"God. You're unbelievable." Jin said

"Aish. Don't worry. I'll make sure to hire a chef when we become boyfriends. Or you can teach me how to cook." Jungkook said

"Excuse me??? And who told you I want to be your boyfriend??" Jin said

"Oh, that's what others usually say when they get to spend time with me." Jin said

"Well, news flash, idiot, there's no way I'll become your boyfriend. I still wanna live longer and have kids. God, just being with you in the same room shortens my lifespan!" Jin said

"Ouch, that hurts." Jungkook act said

"Oh, quit the act. Come on. Let's eat so you can leave already." Jin said

After their meal.....

"I feel so bloated. Thanks for the food." Jungkook said

Jin didn't say anything and just kept a straight face as he started caressing his stomach.
And Jungkook looked satisfied.

"I already did my part. You can now take your exit." Jin said

"Oh, come on. How can I let you do all the work. I'm washing the dishes." Jungkook asked

"No need. I'll wash them." Jin said

"No, I insist," Jungkook said with conviction.

"Okay, fine. I'll just take a quick shower. Once you're done, you can leave." Jin said

"Okay...boss!!! Jungkook happily said

Jin purposely took a shower longer than he used to, To make sure that Jungkook had left when he finished but an equally awful sight welcomed him when he came to the living room.

Why is he still here?? And why is he sleeping on my couch?? Jin thought

"Hey, why are you still here? Didn't I tell you to leave once you're done?" Jin said

Jin tried nudging his Jungkook arm but he still had his eyes tightly shut. That was when he noticed that he was clutching his stomach and his face was contorted like he was in so much pain.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Jin crouched beside him to check on him.

"M..my stomach hurts," Jungkook replied in a weak voice making Jin panic.

"W-wait. What's wrong? Should I call an ambulance? I'll take you to the hospital." Jin said

"No. I'm just fine. I just need to lie down a bit. I can handle the pain." Jungkook said

"Are you sure? Do you want to take medicine?" Jin said

"No. Just don't make me leave yet. I don't wanna be alone in my unit while my stomach still hurts." Jungkook said

"O-okay." Jin said

Jin was about to stand to get some blankets and pillows but Jungkook suddenly grabbed Jin hand and held it tightly.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook said

"I'll be back." Jin said , And then Jungkook then slowly let go of Jin hand.

"Please be quick." Jungkook said

Jin frustratingly scratched the back of his head as he looked at him soundly sleeping the moment he came back.
He must admit it himself and kinda feel guilty.

What if his stomach hurt because of the food Jin prepared? But Jin didn't feel anything wrong with his body when they're basically ate just the same food.

Did this guy lie when he said the food was delicious? Jin thought himself feel frustrated

Jin muttered inwardly as Jungkook covered him with the blanket.

"This better not happen again, Jungkook."

Jin couldn't sleep. Not when Jungkook was just in his living room, clutching his stomach and it could possibly to be his fault.

"Okay. I'll just check on him. I'm just making sure if he's okay. There's nothing more." Jin thought himself again

Jin careful not to make any noise, Jin tiptoed his way into the living room.

Jungkook was still sleeping soundly and the pain may have already subsided since his face seemed calm.

Jin carefully approached him to fix his blanket.

But as Jin was about to cover his exposed shoulder, an arm wrapped around Jin waist and grabbed Jin all of a sudden.

"Oh, shit." Jin said

Jin gasped as he found himself lying beside Jungkook. They're both cramped on the couch, with Jungkook hugging him tightly.

"Don't move. You'll fall." Jungkook said

Thanks for standby :)

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