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Jungkook couldn't even remember when was the last time I courted someone. Was it in elementary? Or in high school?

Jungkook was all over Jin that he didn't even bother looking at others.

Jungkook admit and he had a couple of flings when he studied college in the US, but none of them started off officially.

He'd go out with random girls and guys he met at the bar but every time their do something more than just drinking, Jin's smiling face would eventually pop into his mind, like it was reminding him to stay faithful to his love for him.

There were times when he seriously wanted to get over him and he just forget his unrequited love but every time he tried to do so, he felt guilty.

Like something within him telling his love for Jin is not that shallow to be given up easily.

Jungkook nervously adjusted the sleeves of my shirt before knocking on Jin's door.

"Good morning!" Jungkook greeted as he held out the bouquet of red roses he had delivered early this morning.

"G-good morning." Jin said

Jungkook hide a smile as he timidly received the flowers.
Jin smelled extra sweet and his hair was neatly combed.
Jungkook also caught him stealthily smelling the roses.

"Uh, have you had breakfast? I, I kinda cooked so much. I uh, I can't finish all of them." Jin said

Jungkook bit the insides of his cheeks to hide the smile that was slowly creeping on own lips.

Jin could have just invited him for breakfast like he always does. He doesn't have to make excuses.

"Sure. I'm actually starving." Jungkook said

Jungkook immediately followed him inside and was quite surprised with the amount of food he prepared. Jin has even set the table for two.

"Uh, thanks for the flowers. You don't really have to..." Jin said

"It's not even half of the things I'm willing to give to you, Jin." Jungkook said

"Aish!! Just, just eat." Jin said

"By the way, the school's charity event is this saturday. Are you coming?"Jungkook asked

Jin saw him still before clearing his throat.

Jungkook feel that doesn't tell his  has no plans of attending the event? Because if he won't, what's the point of him coming over?

"I, yeah. I'm coming. I already promised Ken." Jin said

"He thinks we're an item though. What should we do about it?" Jungkook said

"Well, I-" Jin said

"We can always go as a couple. It isn't that . !.. Jungkook said


Jungkook flinched when Jin suddenly slammed his hands on the table.

"No! I, I mean... Let's, let's just not announce or anything. And, and besides it's only Ken and Jaehyun who know about it. We, we don't have to pretend or anything." Jungkook said

"Okay." Jin said

Jungkook felt disappointed and he  just a bit jealous.
Maybe the reason he doesn't want it is because of Ken.
Jungkook stayed silent for the rest of the meal. Not that he'd mad at him.
Jungkook  just don't know what to talk about.

"You can go ahead to work. I'll just clean this up." Jin said

"I'll wait for you." Jungkook said

"You don't have t-" Jin said

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