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"I'm sure he's just being dramatic," Jin grumbled as he withdrew his hand from knocking on Jungkook's door.

Jin wanted to check on Jungkook but based on how he just randomly pulled off the prank last night, Jin bet he was pulling off another one this time.

Aishhh. He just never learns.

Jin immediately headed to his unit and just ignored Jungkook yet another dramatic stunt.
And besides he seemed just fine when he was laughing his gums out with Aera earlier.

Jin was in the midst of cooking dinner when he got a call from Jimin.

"Yes, idiot." Jin said

"Aish. Whatever cruel virgin." Jimin said

"What do you need?" Jin said

"Can you check on Jungkook for me? I've been calling him to tell him he needs to fill in Minhyun schedule for tomorrow's engagement photoshoot but he's not answering his phone." Jimin said

"Why? What's wrong with Minhyun?" Jin said

'He said he had to rush his grandmother to the hospital." Jimin said

"O-okay. I'll tell Jungkook about it." Jin said

"Thanks cruel virgin..." Jimin said

"Aish. Fuck off. I gotta go. Bye." Jin said

Jin don't really wanna talk to Jungkook since he still irritated with what Jungkook did this morning but destiny really has its ways to annoy him.
Jin finished cooking first before heading to Jungkook's unit.
And he bet thought Jungkook preoccupied with watching porn that he couldn't even afford to use his hand in answering his phone.
Jin been knocking on Jungkook door for a few minutes but Jungkook didn't answer.
Jin was about to call Jimin to inform him because it seemed that Jungkook wasn't in his unit suddenly the door opened.

"Finally! What have you been doi-"

Jin didn't finished his words when he all his rants faded into thin air as a pale, sweaty Jungkook came into view.
It seemed that he was in so much pain.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jin asked as he assisted him to go back inside.

"Yah, I'm fine. Just a slight stomachache." Jungkook said

"Slight? It looks like you're about to die. Here, sit for a while. I'm gonna call an ambulance." Jin said

"No! I mean, just don't. I can still manage. It's not that bad anymore." Jungkook said

And Jungkook held unto Jin arm as he lied down on the sofa. Jungkook was clutching his stomach.

"H-have you taken medicine?" Jin said

"No. I don't have any." Jungkook said

Jin frustratingly ran a hand through his hair and reminded himself not to panic.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked

Jin noticed the slight hint of panic in his voice as he tightly held Jin hand.

"I'll just get some food and medicine from my unit okay. Just stay still. I'll be right back. Will you be alright if I'll have you open mean, can yo-" the door again later? Jin said while Jungkook said

"It's your birthday." Jungkook said

"Huh?" Jin unconsciously furrowed his brows as Jungkook looked at him.

What does he mean? Jin repeated said

"M-my code is your birthday," Jungkook repeated as he lied down on the sofa and covered his eyes with his arm.

"B-but, why?" Jin said

"Babe, I'm hungry. Just get me some food, please." Jungkook asked

"F-fine." Jin said

Jin still perplexed with how on earth his birthday became Jungkook code, Jin just decided to head back to his unit to get the stuff I needed.

After a few minutes

"Aishh. I told you not to eat that. You said your stomach's still aching," Jin immediately slapped Jungkook hand as he attempted to get a slice of pork.

As soon as Jin got back to his unit, Jin immediately prepared porridge since he figured he shouldn't eat meat as of the moment.

"But it looks good." Jungkook said

"Aishh. I'll cook that one for you okay. But for now just eat your porridge so you can take your medicine." Jin said

"Yes, babe." Jungkook said

Jin rolled his eyes at Jungkook but he just grinned at him even more.

Gosh. It feels like I'm a single parent taking care of a brat. Jin thought himself

"And will you stop calling me that? You'll give people the wrong idea." Jin said

"But I like calling you that way. You
know, it just rolls naturally on my tongue. babe. Or do you prefer baby?" Jungkook said

"And nothing's gonna roll on your tongue once I cut it off. Come on take your medicine already so you can rest. By the way, what have you eaten? Or maybe you haven't eaten anything thus the stomachache." Jin said

Jungkook didn't answer and just fidgeted with the medicine in his hand.

"Okay, fine. You don't really have to tell m-"

"The-the one I cooked this morning. I-I

ate the one I cooked this morning."

"Wait, what??"

Jin frustratingly scratched the back of his head as he watched Jungkook in utter disbelief.

"Why would you eat those?? Are you trying to kill yourself??" Jin said

"You said I was wasting food. And you looked so disappointed in me." Jungkook said

"Of course. Who wouldn't be
disappointed with what you did? But I didn't tell you to eat it. It was so close to becoming charcoal!" Jin said

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said

"Oh my Gosh, Jungkook!!!. Just, just take your medicine so you can rest. I'll just clean this up." Jin said


"Does it still hurt?" Jin asked as he sat beside him on the sofa.

"Not that much anymore." Jungkook said

"You should go to your room so you could rest. I'm heading out in a few. Jin said

But instead of heeding his words, Jungkook just casually lied down and placed his head on Jin lap.

"Hey, w-what are you doing?" Jin said

"Just sleep here. I might need medical attention in the middle of the night." Jungkook said

"I just live next door, Jungkook. You can just call me if you need anything." Jin said

Thanks for standby

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