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Jin immediately scurried towards the kitchen to check if something was on fire.

But the scene he saw was far worse than having his unit in flames.
There in the middle of his kitchen, with a frying pan in his hand and an apron around his waist, was a seemingly confused was Jungkook.

"Good morning, baby. By the way, is it normal for an egg to be black when cooked?" Jungkook said

'SERIOUSLY!!! Jin yelled at Jungkook

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to make you breakfast to make up for what I did last night." Jungkook said

Jungkook explained with his head low. And still in his hand was the frying pan with the burnt egg.
Jin shifted in his seat as he scowled at him.

The kitchen still smelled like a freaking forest fire just happened.
It was a relief Jungkook didn't trigger the alarm system or they're would have been soaking wet from the fire sprinkler system.
Aside from the burnt egg on the frying pan, several burnt hotdogs and a fish lie on a plate on top of the table, which he had a hard time recognizing.

"It's enough that you've invaded my unit. I didn't expect that you'd attempt to burn my kitchen as well." Jin said

Jungkook didn't say anything and just glanced at Jin with a pout. Jin noticed him fidgeting with his feet.

As much as Jin wanted to yell again, Jin figured it was best to keep his calm or he definitely end up hitting Jungkook with the frying pan he was holding.

"So what are you gonna do with all the food you just burnt? Do you know that you're wasting food while some people out there are starving?" Jin said

"I-I, I'm sorry." Jungkook said while pouted

Jin let out a frustrated sigh as he got up from his chair. Jin really needed to get out of there or he definitely lose his mind.

"I'm going to take a shower. You better clean the kitchen and leave my unit before I'm done. Or else, I'm definitely not gonna talk to you ever again." Jin said


"Good morning to the grumpy virgin. Oops!!!. I forgot. You've already been devirginized...by a stranger...with a mysterious tattoo." Jimin said

Jimin beamed widely at Jin as he slowly placed some files on Jin table.

"Jiminie, do you think my fist is big enough?"Jin asked as he showed him his clenched fist.

"Well, yeah. It's b- Oh..my..God. Are you planning to fit that in your buttocks? Are you that horny??" Jimin said

Jin fought the urge to punch him in the gut. Jimin just unnecessarily overdramatic.

"No. Actually I'm planning to fit this in your mouth. You know, so you'd shut up," Jin replied as his clenched my fist even tighter.

"Oh, I forgot. I still have something to do." Jimin said

Jimin then immediately sauntered away from Jin.
Jin was reviewing some of the files of they clients when he felt Jungkook sit in his spot.

"Good morning," Jungkook said mumbled incoherently to which Jin just replied with a nod.

"Is Jungkook fine?" Jimin asked as he sat across at Jin. His eyes were fixed on Jungkook who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria.

"It looks like he's sick." Jimin said

They were at the cafeteria having lunch. Jin wasn't supposed to be there in the first place but Jimin just started dragging him along.
Jin haven't talked to Jungkook since this morning. But he definitely noticed his low energy which he found an advantage.

"He's big enough to look after himself." Jin said

"But he looks pale though." Jimin said

Jin stole a glance at his way. He was sitting with Beth, they're event coordinator and some other staff.

"Then why don't you go ahead and check on him. You sound concerned."
"And .. Jimin said

'What!???? Jin said

'You sound jealous." Jimin said

"I am not. And why would I?" Jin said

"If looks could kill Jin, you would have already killed Beth." Jimin said

"I said I'm not. Just finish your food okay so we can go back to work." Jin said

"Okay fine. But don't you think Beth and Jungkook look good together? Well, office romance is allowed in the company so I don't think it would be a problem if they end up together." Jimin said

"Aish. Who wants to be with that guy anyway?" Jin grumbled as he started poking his meat with him fork.

Jin couldn't help but glance at them again. They seemed so happy with whatever conversation they had.

"Aissh. So you already got your energy boost, huh." Jimin said

"Are you saying something?" Jin said

Jin rolled his eyes at Jimin who was smiling suspiciously at him.

"You're imagining things you shortie." Jin said


Email notification from Jaehyun

Hi Jin! Here's the invitation for the fundraising event. I've already listed you and Jungkook as participants. See you!!!

Jin rolled his eyes as he finished reading Jaehyun's email.

Jin didn't wanna attend the event in the first place, especially after Jaehyun mistook Jungkook as his boyfriend. Jin couldn't just show up in the event looking all sweet and cuddly with him.
But if he don't attend, Ken might be disappointed in him. Jin heard he's one of the main sponsors for the said event.

'Aish! This is killing me! Jin thought himself

"You look like you wanna take a dump." Jimin said

Jin gave Jimin one dangerous glare before stashing his things inside his bag.

"I'll go ahead of you. I don't wanna get
stuck in traffic. By the way, I already emailed you the list of clients for the next months. Kindly draft the contracts already." Jin said

"Okaaaay. Sucks!!!. Such a workaholic." Jimin said

Jin just ignored Jimin's side remark since he figured there was no way he'd stop roasting him.
Jin was on his way out when he noticed that Jungkook's desk was vacant.

"You're looking for Jungkook?"
"Has he gone home already?"

"See? You're indeed looking for him! You might wanna check on him. He asked to leave early. He said he's got stomachache." Jimin said

"Psst. I bet he's just making excuses to leave early. I'll go ahead then." Jin said

"I'm sure he's just being dramatic," Jin grumbled as he withdrew his hand from knocking on Jungkook's door.

Thanks for standby :)

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