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"I thought the toilet bowl swallowed you whole already. By the way, I took the liberty of invading your kitchen. I'm too tired to go back to my unit to get some food so I just made use of whatever I found in your fridge," Jin  said as he placed a plate of hotdogs on the table.

"You know I'd eat anything you cook. Thanks for cooking, babe." Jungkook said

Jin rolled his eyes as he sat across him.

"Why don't you hire me as your
personal chef? It seems that I've been cooking for you too often these past few days," Jin  sarcastically replied as Jungkook munched on a hotdog.

Jungkook didn't say a thing and just stared at him. And Jin just ignored him and focused on his food. Aside from the fact that his head was still aching, something was quite bothering me.

"Jungkook." Jin said

"Hmm?" Jungkook

"Did I drink something else aside from the beer last night? I could taste something weird in my mouth when I woke up but I couldn't figure out what it is ??? Jin asked

Jin immediately handed him a glass of water as Jungkook choked on his food, making him cough aggressively.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jin asked as his face started reddening from all the coughing but what bothered Jin was the surprised look on his face when he dropped the question.

"N-nothing. I mean, you drank nothing else. Just-just focus on your food so we can go to work." Jungkook said

"Why does it feel like you're hiding something from me?" Jin said

"I, I am not okay. Anyway, if you'd like to take the day off, I can just tell the heads about it." Jungkook said

"No need. My headache's not that bad anymore. I can manage." Jin said

"Are you sure?" Jungkook said

"Yeah. By the way, can you wash the plates? I have to go back to my unit to wash up." Jin said

"S-sure. Leave it to me." Jungkook said


"So, did you get laid last night?" Jin said

Jin slightly pushed Jimin aside so he could settle at his table.

"Yah, are you mad at me?" Jimin said

Jin gave him a dangerous glare as he tried to nudge him on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me, you traitor." Jin said

"Hey, what did I do??" Jimin said

"Oh, feigning innocence, aren't we??" Jin said

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin said

"Aish , You very much know how messy I could be whenever I get drunk but you didn't even bother sending me home! You didn't even stop me last night!" Jin raged as he pointed the stapler and his grabbed from his table at him.

"Hey, hey, how could I when Jungkook wouldn't even let go of you last night? He was latching on you like some damn octopus. He offered to send you home and I figured that it would be convenient since you're neighbors. Why? Did you do something outrageous last night?" Jimin said

"I don't know, okay. I've got zero recollection of what happened. All I could remember was drinking whatever the guys handed me. Aish, I didn't even know what I was thinking when I said yes to that stupid challenge." Jin said

Jin groaned as he leaned back on his seat.

"You don't remember anything?" Jimin said

"I just told you, right??" Jin said

"So you don't remember grabbing Aera hair?" Jimin said

Jin furrowed his eyebrows at him. He could be a bit wild when he drunk but he haven't, not even once, caused a fight.

"Wait? I did that?" Jin said

"You bitch, you're indeed drunk as hell. This is basically the reason we don't get to drink out. You always lose your control." Jimin said

"Aish, Then why didn't you stop me last night??" Jin said

"Oh really? So it's my fault now?" Jimin said

"Of course. You out of all people know how I behave when I'm completely drunk." Jin said

"So it's my now fault that you grabbed Aera hair when she tried to kiss Jungkook?" Jimin said

SeokJin immediately looked at Jimin as he said those words as he was quite caught up with what he said.

"Wait, I did what??" Jin said

"Well Jin , it just so happened that jealousy got the best out of you so you attacked Aera last night and almost ripped her scalp off." Jimin said

"Excuse me?? Why would I even do that??" Jin said

"Why don't you answer your own question?" Jimin said

"I-I wouldn't do that. Sure I may be wild when drunk but I would never cause any fight!" Jin said

"Oh really? Then may I remind you that you punched me on the face once because I said Ken is an asshole for not acknowledging your feelings?? It even took you an entire day to remember what happened! Oh goodness, Jinnie. Please, stay away from alcohol from now on." Jimin said

"It's was an accident, okay." Jin said

"Accident my ass." Jimin said

" Just, just go back to your table already. I've got a lot of work to do." Jin said

"We're not yet done, you alcoholic war freak!" Jimin said

Thanks for standby 🙂

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