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"By the way, who are you with? Are you shopping alone?" Jaehyun asked

Why is he so fake????

"Oh, I-I'm with someone. He's just looking for some items." Jin lied said

Jin didn't wanna look alone and pathetic.

"Oh, great. Perhaps, your boyfriend?" Jaehyun said and then Jaehyun giggled before slightly nudging on Jin arm.

Why is he touching me?? We're not even close for goodness sake!


"There you are!!"

Jin jolted when someone just hugged him from the back.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Jungkook beamed at Jin before completely letting him go.

Jungkook smile never left his face.

Why,??? Jungkook is here?? Jin thought himself

"Jeon Jungkook?"

Jin glanced at Jaehyun who was surprisingly gawking at Jungkook.

"Oh, Jaehyun and Ken! Congratulations on your wedding by the way. I always knew you'd end up together." Jungkook said

They know each other?? Jin thought himself again

"Thanks man. So when is yours?" Ken chuckled as he gave Jungkook a playful grin before glancing at Jin.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't even expect you'd end up together also!!!" Jaehyun said

Jin furrowed his eyes brows at Jaehyun who was clapping his hands aggressively.

"Wait, you know each other?" Jin decided to finally interrupt their mini reunion and blurt the question out.

"Oh god. Don't tell me you don't remember him? We went to the same high school, Jin. By the way, you look totally different now, Jungkook. No offense, okay, but you looked like a total nerd before." Jaehyun said

"Well, you know. Some things aren't
permanent." Jungkook said

How come I don't remember him?? Jin thought

"You look totally gorgeous right now. Love don't get jealous, okay? But I haven't heard anything from you after graduation." Jaehyun said

"Oh, I actually went overseas for college." Jungkook said

"Wait! Are you sure? I couldn't recall
seeing him in high school though." Jin said

The three of them looked at Jin curious as if he just asked something outrageous.
Silence dominated the four of them for a moment before Jaehyun broke out into fits of laughter.

"Come on. We're his juniors. He graduated ahead of us. What have you been doing with your life as a student?" Jaehyun said

"I, I don't -" Jin said

I was busy tending to my unrequited
ove for Ken, okay? Jin thought

"Oh, I'm so sorry. As much as I want to chatting with you all day, we must go. By the way, the school's organizing a fundraising activity this month so you two better come, okay. I'll send you the invitation. By the way, I'm so happy for the both of you. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding." Jaehyun said

Jin and Jungkook watched them both as they headed towards the counter, leaving the two of them standing side by side in the middle of the aisle.

"So I'm your boyfriend now?" Jungkook said

Jin frustratingly rolled his eyes at Jungkook before pushing the cart towards the next lane.

"Yah, don't you miss me? I've been away for three days. Can I come over for dinner tonight?" Jungkook asked

Jin decided to just ignore Jungkook and scanned the canned goods on the shelf.

"I'm kinda glad they thought we're boyfriends. But did you tell them though? It seemed that Jaehyun was
happy for the both of us." Jungkook said

Jin just didn't mind Jungkook and hastily pushed his cart towards the meat section.

"Can you cook steak tonight? I haven't eaten steak for a while. By the way, what should we bring for the school's fundraising event. We just can't come empty-handed, right? We could donate something. What do you think?" Jungkook said

Jin let out a frustrated sigh before turning to Jungkook.

"Why are you so hyperactive today?? I know you're energetic and all.but you're definitely being extra talkative today." Jin said

"I just miss you, okay? It's been so long since I last saw you." Jungkook said

"You've been away for just three days, Jungkook. It's not like you've been away for a decade." Jin said

Jin grabbed several packs of meat before proceeding to the vegetables section.

Jin was actually hoping he'd shut up, but he just became even more talkative as he followed Jin around the store.

"Here, let me." Jungkook said

Jin just didn't argue when he helped him load the groceries in his car.

Jin was about to bid goodbye to Jungkook but he casually went inside the passenger seat, leaving Jin astonished with what just happened.

"Come on. Let's get going. We still have to cook dinner," Jungkook called out as he motioned me to get inside the car.

Excuse me? Whose car is it again..!! Jin said


Jin grimaced as Jungkook just casually burped after finishing the steak he cooked for him.

Jungkook caressing his stomach, he wiped the sides of his mouth before grinning at Jin.

"Indeed, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," Jungkook beamed as he downed his glass of wine.

"And the easiest way to kill a man is by poisoning him." Jin said

Jin scoffed when he stilled for a while.

"Come on. You wash the plates. At least you can be of use in exchange for making my unit a restaurant," Jin ordered as him brought the plates to the sink.

"Jungkook. Come on. Move your lazy ass already." Jin asked

But before Jin could turn to look at what Jungkook was doing, a heard a loud thud.

Jin nervous when he saw him lying on the floor while aggressively shaking.

"Holy shit! Jungkook, what's wrong???" Jin almost tripped on the way to him to check what happened.

Jin could feel his heart beating ooagainst his chest when he saw his eyes flutter continuously and his hands became stiff.

Thanks for standby

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