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"Then break up with him."

"Appa! You know I won't do that! I love him and there's no way I'm leaving him let alone breaking up with him!" Jungkook said

"Don't you dare raise your voice on me, Kook! You should be responsible of your own actions!" Jungkook's father said


"This discussion is over. We're leaving in 30 minutes." Jungkook's father said

Jungkook ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he watched his father turn his back on him.

"Eomma. I need your help," Jungkook turned to his mom. His voice cracked as he pleaded.

"Then do what you are supposed to do, Kook. Man up and solve this mess you made. Only then will I allow you to come back to Jin." Jungkook's mother said

Jungkook didn't even have the time to tell Jin he was leaving as his parents just dragged him to the airport, And  Jungkook helpless as his father even had him guarded.

Jin tried calling Jin so many times but he couldn't reach him. Hoseok and NamJoon were not answering either and that made him even more nervous.

There were approximately three minutes until their board the plane and he'd been trying to look for possible ways to escape but his father was very keen on watching over him.

"Appa, I need to go to the restroom real quick." Jungkook said as he bit his tongue as he tried on his chances and used the most predictable excuse he could think of.

"Don't you even think of escaping, Jungkook. We're boarding the plane in three minutes." Jungkook's father said

"But appa-"

But it's only took one intense glare from his father and he was back on his seat.

"Then, just let me make one last call before we leave, Appa. Just one." Jungkook said

A great pang of pain hit his chest as he looked at his father slowly nodding at him.

Jungkook tried dialling Jin number again but he was again directed to the voicemail. So instead, Jungkook left  him a lot message that he didn't know he'd tell him in this lifetime.
And with a heavy heart and teary eyes

Jungkook boarded the plane.


"Gosh! You reek of alcohol and sweat! Move over!" Hoseok said

Jin lazily moved his feet that they've blocking Hoseok's way and continued watching a sad documentary on TV.

"You know what, sulking over that video won't do you any good. Why don't you go to Jungkook and ask him what really happened." Hoseok said

"I already saw a picture of them together that night. I didn't even know there was a video. Huh, were they trying to shoot a documentary on how to have sex or something??" Jin sarcastically laughed.

"Yah, they just kissed." Hoseok said

"And do you think it was just that? Heck! I saw a picture of them naked together in bed, Hoseok. What do you think they did? Prayer meeting??" Jin said

"That's why I told you, you talk to him. And besides he already told you it happened years ago. So it means you we're not in a relationship yet." Hoseok said

Hoseok's words struck to him. Jin admit, he had no right to be mad at Jungkook because they weren't in a relationship back then and he clearly didn't have the right to question the way he lived his life.

"Yeah, you're right. But why does it still hurt this much?" Jin muttered with his eyes closed and he clenched fist over his chest.

"Jun. .. fine. You-"

But Hoseok's words were cut off by the loud ringing of her phone.

"Jungkook calling me. Sh— Hoseok words cut suddenly

"You answer that and it would mean you're cutting ties with me." Jin said

"Hey! Wha-" Hoseok said

"I meant what I just said, Hoseok. And same goes with NamJoon," Jin said with conviction and eyed NamJoon who was apparently just listening to conversation.

"Okay, fine," Hoseok said in surrender. "By the way would you be okay here alone? We had to run some errands outside." Hoseok said

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Jin waved his hand to dismiss them

"Food's on the table. Just reheat it. We'll be back probably by seven." Hoseok advance him

Jin didn't say a thing and just listened to the sound of their footsteps weakening the more they get farther and for some reason, he felt lonelier.

It was around six in the evening when he decided to get up and take a shower.

Jin still have to check his phone for Jimin's messages as he apparently went back home in a hurry.

Jin was in the midst of charging his phone which he intentionally turned off to avoid any messages when a bunch of them kept coming in.

And most of them were from Jungkook.

But what caught his attention was the last message from him.

Jin internally debated with himself whether to read to it or not as he was pretty sure that his mere message would make he run back to him. But Jin was still in the process of taking everything in and reading to it would mean defeat on his part.

And so, he decided to lose and with trembling hands, Jin clicked the message.

But it was not long after Jin regretted his decision as the message might have just made him even sadder.

The message

The message

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Sorry for short chapter today :)
Thanks for standby 🙂

Jinkook Stories: Foolish Night ✓Where stories live. Discover now