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"How to get away with murder. I think you should start watching that series." Jin said

Jin glared at Jimin as he stood beside his table and handed him a list of suppliers.

"You do well know I've got no time for that,... Jimin said

"Jimin..shii ..." Jin said

"Well it's just an advice because it seems that you'll be needing it in the future. But well. I can always visit you in jail." Jimin said

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Jin said

"Well, if you haven't noticed Kim Seokjin, you've been staring at Jeon  Jungkook and Aera Dae for over ten minutes now that I'm starting to think you're plotting a murder in your mind!" Jimin said

"Oh, shut up. I'm not staring at them. I'm, I'm staring into space! I'm thinking of something." Jin said

"Oh, really? Then I guess you're so immersed with your thoughts that you've broken four pencils now." Jimin said

Jin immediately looked at his table and was surprised to see four pencils that were already broken into halves.
And he couldn't even remember grabbing them!

"I'm, I'm thinking of something! Can you just go away and do your work! You're bothering me." Jin said

Jin heaved a deep sigh of relief when Jimin sauntered away from him and returned to his desk.

Jin decided to just finish what he was doing to steer his mind away from what happened last night.

Jin didn't even know the reason of him sudden outburst.

All he know is Jin got irritated every time he remember the couple set.

Jin was still working on his papers when he heard Jimin calling him.

"It's lunch time." Jimin said

"And then?" Jin grimaced.

"Do you plan on starving yourself?" Jimin said

"I'm not going out. I'll just have anything I could get from the pantry." Jin said

"Oh, my goodness. Seriously, Jinnie?! Come on. It's gonna be my treat." Jimin said

"I won't fall for that. And besides I don't wanna drive. I'm tired." Jin said

"We're using my car, okay? So come on." Jimin said

"No." Jin said

"Fine! I'm gonna start whining here until you say yes!" Jimin said

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll meet you up at the parking area. I still have to submit this one," Jin  rested his case because he was sure as hell he wouldn't stop whining until he got what he wanted.

"Okay, please be quick. I'm starving." Jimin said

"Okay." Jin said

Jin watched as he skipped his way out of the office. Most of the workers had already gone out for lunch and considering that Jungkook and Aera were out of his sight, they could have gone to lunch together.

"Why don't they just live together, too?!  Jin thought himself

Jin hurriedly submitted the documents as Jimin could become quite impatient.

He couldn't afford him to start having
tantrums in the middle of the parking area.

And Jin eventually spotted his car as he got out of the elevator. It was a good thing his car was easy to spot or he'd be running in circles looking for it.

"Where are we eating?" Jin asked as he got inside and didn't even bother to spare him a glance as him and Jin fastened his seat belt.

But his answer never came and that was enough to make him wonder.

"Hey, whe-" Jin said

But his words were cut off short for instead of Jimin, there in the driver's seat was Jungkook who had a grin on his face.

"What the hell?!" Jin said

"Hi, babe!"  Jungkook said

"What the hell are you doing here?! This is Jimin car!" Jin said

"I know. He let me borrow it." Jungkook said

"Okay, I'm out of here." Jin said

Jin swear he gonna strangle Jimin to death.
But the car door wouldn't budge no matter how hard he tried to open it.

And Jin tried to manually unlock the door but Jungkook would just lock it again causing him to be even more frustrated.

"Let me off the car Jungkook if you still want your body intact!" Jin said

"I'm sorry, babe but I just have to kidnap you today," Jungkook announced before stepping on the accelerator.

"Let me down this instant, Jeon Jungkook or I swear I'm cutting your limbs!" Jin said

"Threats like that won't work on me, babe." Jin said

Jin closed his eyes and took a deep breath as they're went on the main road.

"I swear Jungkook, this is your last day on earth." Jin said

"Oh, come on, babe. I still want to make babies with you." Jungkook said

"What the fu'k, Jungkook?!" Jin said

"I'm just kidding, okay? Come on. I've been wanting to eat with you." Jungkook said

"Why don't you take Aera wi—"

Jin immediately shut his mouth as he realized what he just said and just slumped on his seat.

"You look cute when you're jealous." Jungkook said

"I am not jealous you idiot!" Jin said

Jungkook didn't say a thing but Jin definitely caught a glimpse of the smile on his face.

Jin remained silent for the rest of the trip as he was still irritated with him. But what made him angrier was the fact that he chose the same restaurant as yesterday!

"Seriously, Jungkook?! What?! Are you that eager to get your money back?! Okay fine! Then you better eat every single dish in the menu!" Jin raged before getting off the car.

Jin didn't even bother closing the door and just went inside without looking back at him.

"Good afternoon, Sir. This way, Sir."

Jin immediately rolled his eyes at the woman who led him inside.
He didn't even tell her if he had a reservation.

Jin just brushed the thought off and followed her. And infact he was starving anyway.
But what surprised Jin the most was the fact that no one else was inside.

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you perhaps closed for today? Why are there no other customers?" Jin secretly asked her as he sat by the table she led him to.

And then Jin caught a glimpse of Jungkook who was guided by another staff.

"Oh. Mr Jeon Jungkook reserved the entire restaurant for lunch, Sir."

Wait? What?! Jin said

Thanks for standby ☺️

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