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"What's wrong?" Jin said

Jin asked Jimin as he entered the office and noticed some of Jin workmates crowding around the announcement board.

"Oh, an announcement about this year's company outing has been issued by the heads." Jimin said

"That's great then. When will it be?" Jin said

"The day after tomorrow." Jimin said

"Good morning, Jungkook."

Jin and Jimin both turned to look at Aera who was shamelessly tucking her hair behind her ears while looking at Jungkook who just came in the office.

Jin secretly rolled his eyes as he noticed how she intentionally made her mouth smaller as she blinked.

"Is something wrong with her face?" Jimin snorted as he nudged Jin' arm.

"Why don't you ask her?" Jin said

It was he turn to grimace as Jin settled down on his table desk and started going through the files that he had to work on.

"Are you jealous?" Jimin said

"Why would I be?" Jin said

"Aid The knot on your forehead says it all, Jin." Jimin said

" I just don't like people who deliberately flirt in public, okay?" Jin said

Jin glanced at where Jungkook and Aera where and had to fight the urge to crumple the paper Jin was holding when Aera started hitting Jungkook on the chest.

"Uhm, how about we discuss the project over lunch since we are the ones assigned to it anyway." Aera said

"I'm going to my desk," Jimin whispered as Jungkook and Aera were coming towards them.

"Sure. I need to ask you some things, too. Wh-" Jungkook said

"Great! I already have a reservation at Banghit restaurant." Aera said

Jin heaved a deep sigh as he closed his eyes because the more he looked at Aera, the more irritated he get.

Jin just concerned about her. She's a woman! She shouldn't be the one making the moves!
It's not like I'm jealous or anything! Jin thought said

"Good morning, babe!" Jungkook said

With Jin eyes still closed, he bit his lips as Jungkook settled on his table desk.

Jin didn't bother answering him as he was still pissed over what just happened.

"Are you okay? By the way, I bought you breakfast on the way here." Jungkook said

Jin still kept his mouth shut and just pretended to be busy, typing just whatever he could think of.

"I'll just place it here, okay? Eat this when you're hungry." Jungkook said

Jin gritted his own teeth as he placed a lunchbox and a cup of coffee on his table.

Jin still hadn't had his breakfast and the smell aroma of the chocolate coffee was definitely tempting him.
But he couldn't just trample on his own pride. Jin pretended to see nothing and just plugged his ears with earphones and started listening to some music to lighten up my mood.
But no matter how hard he tried to scan his entire playlist, no song was working!

Jin was still deeply immersed in the documents he was writing when someone knocked on his desk.

"Lunch?" Jimin said

Jin stared at Jimin for a moment before realizing that he had been sitting in front of his computer for hours that he didn't even notice it was lunch time already.

Jinkook Stories: Foolish Night ✓Where stories live. Discover now