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    All good first encounters are gifts from fate.

    It's like when Leng Fujun met Zhong Leyou for the first time.

    That clock Leyou fell from the sky and landed on his hands—although his hands were numb from the shock, and he almost knelt down.

    Leng Fujun didn't know Zhong Leyou at first.

    On the day of returning home on New Year's Eve, Leng Fujun didn't go through the main entrance.

    He entered through the back door and passed the garden first to the main house.

    A few plum blossoms bloomed, Leng Fujun slowed down a little, and took a few more glances.

    Then I saw someone on the balcony of Huawu crumbling, and then really fell from the height of the second floor.

    There was someone else on the balcony, and there was a scream.

    Leng Fujun subconsciously went to pick it up, but in the end he really caught it, and it was secure.

    The person who fell down was Zhong Leyou.

    Things falling from a height carry a huge impact, and even an object weighing more than ten kilograms will make people feel deeply stressed, let alone a boy.

    Leng Fujun's hands were numb from the shock, he leaned forward and almost knelt down.

    But fortunately he was steady, he thought that if he knelt down at this time, he would definitely lose face, so he insisted on using this to support himself from falling, and finally he was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless.

    But where would it not hurt, Leng Fujun's handsome brows were all frowned, and he closed his eyes for a few seconds before slowly coming in.

    Opening his eyes, he met Zhong Leyou's blue pupils.

    like a cat.

    The eyes are big and moist, full of innocence and innocence, the long eyelashes are like a brush, and the tear mole at the corner of the eye is soft, and it took a long time to blink slowly.

    It was his sister Lin Suxi who ran down from the flower house in a hurry, and she asked anxiously, "Leyou, are you okay?"

    Leng Fujun let Zhong Leyou go to the ground, shook his hands nonchalantly, and squeezed his wrist. Only then did he realize that this boy should be Lin Suxi's younger brother. He had heard that Lin Suxi had a good cousin, but he had never met her.

    Lin Suxi looked at Leng Fujun, and said gratefully: "Brother, it's really thanks to you for catching him." "It

    just happened smoothly." He said, "Be careful next time, you will get hurt if you fall like this."

    Lin Suxi said to Zhong Leyou said: "Thank you brother."

    Zhong Leyou blinked, but he was actually a little timid, probably because Leng Fujun's slightly fierce frown frowning just now scared him. But his sister said so, he still called out obediently: "Thank you, brother."


    Zhong Leyou called Leng Fujun brother, but in fact Leng Fujun took advantage.

    He is twelve years old, Zhong Leyou, the age difference that can be called uncle.

    There are two brothers in the Leng family, Leng Fujun is the eldest brother, and there is a younger brother named Leng Dongzhong. Lin Suxi is his Leng Dongzhong's wife, also his sister-in-law.

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