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    Leng Fujun didn't know how long he hadn't been to the supermarket. The last time he went to the supermarket in his memory was when he was still studying in Europe.

    Leng Fujun kept a low profile when he was studying abroad. He didn't join any rich second-generation social circle of overseas Chinese, and spent most of his time studying seriously. The only thing that resembles the rich second generation is that the apartment he lived in was a little better, but it was basically filled with foreign students from various countries who loved learning and didn't usually mess around.

    At that time, everyone got along pretty well, and they often came to take turns cooking or something, so Leng Fujun often went to the supermarket during his study abroad.

    Up to now, if Zhong Leyou hadn't been going to the supermarket, Leng Fujun wouldn't have thought of going - he didn't even bother to go to the convenience store downstairs of the company.

    Leng Fujun personally drove Zhong Leyou to the nearest shopping mall to visit the supermarket. Fortunately, it was not far away, about ten minutes' drive away. After parking the car, the elevator went up to the entrance of the supermarket, and Leng Fujun led Zhong Leyou in. He pushed the shopping cart with one hand, and insisted on holding hands with Zhong Leyou with the other, as if Zhong Leyou was a child who would get lost if he didn't pay attention.

    In fact, there are some reasons for this. There are a lot of people in the supermarket at this time, and it will be terrible if they are squeezed and bumped. Leng Fujun is not at ease if he does not put Zhong Leyou within the safe range that he can see.

    Besides, he has always been used to doing whatever he wants, and he doesn't think there is any problem with him holding hands with Zhong Leyou at all-it's not something shameful, why can't he hold hands.

    But Zhong Leyou didn't think so.

    He felt that what he was holding was not Leng Fujun's hand, but a hot volcanic rock, and he wanted to shake it off very much.

    Besides, he didn't allow Leng Fujun to hold his hand.

    This stinky rascal took advantage of him whenever he could.

    Zhong Leyou was extremely twisted: "...you, don't pull me, let go of your hand..."

    Leng Fujun refused: "Why?"

    "...Everyone, everyone will see..."

    "Then let them see, what's the matter?" Leng Fujun stopped in a slightly larger space, and pulled Zhong Leyou to his side, "Look up and see, who is looking at us?"

    Zhong Leyou dare not.

    Leng Fujun repeated: "It's okay, just look up, we stand here holding hands, look who will look at us." In a

    supermarket full of people, who would have the leisure to look at two men? Whether to hold hands, and then guess what kind of relationship they have. Most of the people passed by in a hurry, rushing to buy limited-time specials or simply rushing to pay—there were really one or two who were so full that they cast their curious eyes on them. The terrifying eyes that could be called cannibalism were also immediately moved away.

    "Be bolder, it's okay, if others want to look at you, you stare back fiercely."

    Those things that Zhong Leyou needed courage to take half a step, from Leng Fujun's mouth, seemed to be insignificant things .

    No one had ever taught him this.

    Zhong Leyou asked uncertainly: "...Then what if I stare at him, he wants me..."

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