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    In the evening of the next day, Leng Fujun accompanied Zhong Leyou to the concert, while Leng Mianmian was taken care of by Leng Dongzhong and Lin Suxi.

    Leng Mimian was sleeping when they left, so it went smoothly.

    The two Leng Fujun had hardly seen the couple during the day, and he didn't know where they went to have fun.

    Originally, he thought that Leng Dong should have a good life, but Leng Fujun became angry when he thought about it. After all, he ruined all the preparations for his perfect plan. So when he was at the Children's Museum with Leng Mianmian, he sent a message to scold Leng Dong for a heavy meal, asking him to go back and have a good time.

    As a result, Leng Dong replied to him in text, there is no need to wait to go back, it can be done now.

    The photos attached later are the shopping bags he helped Lin Suxi carry, and the profile of Lin Suxi who is choosing a bracelet in the jewelry store at this moment.

    At that moment, Leng Fujun was relieved, and even a little happy.

    He felt Leng Dongzhong deserved it all.

    And finally able to go to You Qingshu's concert, Zhong Leyou was in a good mood.

    In the past few years, the appearance rate of You Qingshu has decreased a lot, new songs have been released less, and there are no film and television works at all. This concert was held in New York without preparations for a world tour, which is probably a benefit for overseas fans. After all, I don’t know when it will be held next time.

    And after watching the concert, you can meet You Qingshu again and have dinner with him—the more Zhong Leyou thinks about it, the happier she becomes, and the more she thinks about it, the more she looks forward to it.

    Leng Fujun on the side looked more and more nervous looking at Zhong Leyou's appearance. Being overly excited is as fatal as being overly sad, so he had to remind Zhong Leyou to calm down from time to time.

    Leng Fujun reminded him, don't get too excited later, and don't yell along, just think about it.

    But Zhong Leyou had no idea what he was doing, he just said, what should I do, I am so happy.

    It was already like this before entering the arena, not to mention after entering the arena.

    Leng Fujun's exhortations were all in vain. As soon as You Qingshu appeared on the stage, Zhong Leyou screamed with the crowd. Leng Fujun was not sure how loud Zhong Leyou screamed, he only knew his own His heart rose all of a sudden, and then he hugged Zhong Leyou to calm him down.

    But Zhong Leyou has gone mad.

    Leng Fujun couldn't pull him back at all.

    Zhong Leyou roared passionately online for nearly two hours, and Fu Jun didn't know how he got here during these two hours. I was worried, I was afraid that Zhong Leyou would make a mistake - I also felt that I was really crazy, and even brought my pregnant wife to the concert, why didn't he take Zhong Leyou to the roller coaster, he was crazy, really crazy up.

    At the end of the concert, Zhong Leyou was safe and sound and happy to the point of bubbling, while Leng Fujun only felt that he had aged ten years and his lifespan had decreased to a negative number.

    Leng Fujun hugged Zhong Leyou, kissed him on the forehead, and repeatedly asked him if there was any discomfort—this was actually a sign that Leng Fujun lost his sense of security at that moment, because he really couldn't imagine that if Zhong Leyou got out What should I do.

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