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    The days always pass quickly, the fifth day of the lunar new year is over, the tenth day of the new year is also soon, the Lantern Festival is over, the Chinese New Year is over, and colleges and universities start to start.

    The make-up exam is scheduled two days before the official start of school, and it is still at night, so Zhong Leyou can only live with Leng Fujun, otherwise it will be inconvenient to go back and forth. What's more, it was Lin Suxi and Leng Dong who sent him there that day.

    Leng Fujun wanted to pick him up by himself, but he didn't have time, and he was even more worried that Zhong Leyou would reject him when he saw him. Originally, she wanted to ask the driver to pick her up, but Lin Suxi found out, so she would send Zhong Leyou there when the time came.

    Lin Suxi had long wanted to go and see it, but she never had the right opportunity.

    After all, it was Leng Fujun's place, she couldn't just go there casually, even if she just wanted to see Zhong Leyou, she was worried that Leng Fujun would feel that she was worried. And during weekends, Zhong Leyou always went back to her home. When she went back, only her brother was very kind to him, and it was even worse for her to go without saying hello.

    In fact, Lin Suxi knew that Leng Fujun would not treat Zhong Leyou badly, and she did not doubt Leng Fujun, but for many things, she had to see them with her own eyes to feel at ease.

    This time the opportunity is very good, she sent Zhong Leyou there, and by the way, she could go and see how he was living with Leng Fujun.

    But Leng Dongzhong knew about it, and offered to go with him as the driver.

    Ever since he knew what Leng Fujun did to Zhong Leyou, Leng Dong has been under unbearable pressure in his heart. Fortunately, his acting skills passed the test, so Lin Suxi didn't notice anything strange.

    In fact, it's really unkind to hide such things from his wife, but he comforted himself - this incident was purely accidental, Leng Fujun didn't have that kind of thought for Zhong Leyou, but he was drugged and hungry. In addition, Zhong Leyou had already forgiven Leng Fujun, and the two parties were fine, so naturally he should do more than do less.

    Leng Dongzhong wanted to protect his brother, but more importantly, he didn't want Lin Suxi to get hurt.

    Leng Fujun has a thick skin, and he doesn't want others to know, but he still has some scruples about saving face. So what if the truth is revealed, who can do anything to him is Song Shengqiao, no matter how much he likes Lin Suxi on weekdays, he still wants to protect his son in the end.

    What has happened, no matter how Lin Suxi knows it, she can't change anything, and it's really unnecessary to make herself worry and sad.

    And if things really come out, the most hurt person is Zhong Leyou.

    Leng Dongzhong began to feel sorry for him now.

    Innocent and pure, a good young man, just like this was ruined by the old hooligans - anyone who changed could get a lot of benefits from Leng Fujun. However, Zhong Leyou has such a pure and innocent temperament, don't ask for anything, and he even forgave Leng Fujun just like that.

    The cold winter is unbelievably heavy.

    If Leng Fujun hadn't been his own brother, he would have called the police for Zhong Leyou now.

    When they arrived, Leng Fujun was not at home, and it was unknown whether he would go back at night. Hei Ni saw strangers wanting to scream, saw Zhong Leyou but wanted to make out, looked at this and that, didn't know what to do first, and finally turned around while screaming on the spot.

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