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    When Leng Fujun returned to Leng's house, he happened to meet Lin Suxi talking to the housekeeper.

    She went to see Zhong Leyou in the hospital with Lin's father and Lin's mother earlier, but Zhong Leyou was thin-skinned. She felt embarrassed about this matter, and was afraid that she would be blamed for not taking good care of herself, so she buried herself in the quilt He doesn't meet people very much, and he answers as softly as a mosquito when talking to him.

    Therefore, they also knew that Zhong Leyou couldn't rest well because of their presence, and they didn't stay in the hospital too much.

    Now Lin Suxi is in charge of all the affairs of the Leng family. She is very capable. In the past two years, she had to ask Song Shengqiao for advice when she encountered some things she didn't understand. In the past two years, she can basically make her own decisions. Song Shengqiao is always praised her by others, it is justified.

    When Leng Fujun walked to them, the housekeeper was about to leave.

    Leng Fujun said: "Suxi, I have a few words to tell you."

    Lin Suxi was still surprised when she heard these words—what did Leng Fujun want to say to herself? Because she never thought that Leng Fujun would come to apologize to her.

    Lin Suxi sat down without knowing why. At that time, she was thinking that Leng Fujun might have come to settle accounts with her, right? After all, Zhong Leyou had a quarrel with him this time, she helped out and went home, and she brought a lot of cold things over there - no matter how you look at it, it was obviously meant to make Fu Jun feel cold.

    But Lin Suxi spoke calmly and calmly: "What's the matter, brother, go straight."

    Leng Fujun said first: "You know Leyou's current physical condition, the doctor is not stable and needs a good rest...so I want you to help me persuade him to come back and take care of himself..."

    Lin Suxi understood what he meant.

    The point is to persuade Zhong Leyou to come back.

    Lin Suxi quickly continued: "...how could I not persuade you? I persuaded you from the beginning. But it's not me, brother, Leyou is the best with you now, and listens to you the most on weekdays Right now he is angry with you and refuses to come back, so my persuasion may not be of much use."

    Leng Fujun knew that she was much smarter than Lin's father and Lin's mother.

    He lowered his body to beg her for help, but she answered back no, it was more like he deserved it, both overtly and secretly.

    Fortunately, Leng Fujun also guessed this possibility, so he went on to say: "I know, you still have opinions on me. You didn't agree with me and Leyou back then...but then I got tough , just coerced you to agree. This is indeed the big brother's fault, and the big brother is here to accompany you, but just for the sake of the kid who just came to report, please help me persuade Leyou..." Lin

    Su Xi did not expect Leng Fujun to apologize so honestly.

    Things that I hadn't expected a few years ago, but now it happened suddenly.

    It must not be easy for Leng Fujun to apologize like this, of course Lin Suxi knows—not to mention that Leng Fujun apologized and did not forget to grab the baby who just came to report, and asked Lin Suxi to look at the baby How can Lin Suxi not give her face.

    And God just loves to help Leng Fujun, so he sent Leng Mianmen over at this time. Leng Fujun came back and handed the child to Song Shengqiao, who was stolen by Leng Dongzhong when Song Shengqiao didn't pay attention to the child. Leng Fujun didn't expect Leng Dongzhong to come back so early today, but seeing Leng Mianmian wearing a bunch of messy things, he knew that it must be Leng Dongzhong.

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