Extra 4: Daily Life

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    In the first winter vacation of Leng Mianmian's school, he was decisively sent to the winter camp by his father. It lasted for two weeks, basically equivalent to not going home before the Chinese New Year.

    Zhong Leyou was reluctant, but was forcibly persuaded by Leng Fujun on the grounds of "exercising the child's physical strength and will".

    Leng Xinxin's first winter vacation in kindergarten was also forcibly and resolutely sent by his father to a closed training class on life common sense and etiquette for a week.

    Zhong Leyou disagreed, Leng Xinxin was only three years old, and he felt that the closed training class was too cruel for a three-year-old child. When Leng Mianmian was three years old, he had never attended such a class.

    But Leng Fujun told him that the reason for the closure is to begin to exercise the independence of children of this age. Leng Mianmian didn't participate at the beginning because there was only such a child in the family, and he was only spoiled to death, and he didn't want him to suffer a little grievance, but now he is too fragile.

    One week is within the range of the children's sense of security, and one child is assigned two teachers to take care of them. If there is any problem, the parents will be contacted immediately - this explanation once again suppressed Zhong Leyou's worry Heart.

    The two children are not there, and the house is very clean.

    Leng Fujun felt that the winter sun was warming him up, and he seemed to be several years younger. Two words, comfortable.

    Leng Fujun only had one criterion when choosing a holiday class for his children: not to go home.

    Money is not a problem, distance is not a problem, time is not a problem. The most important thing is not to go home, so that he can be clean for a few days, and live a good two-person world with Zhong Leyou.

    So on the second day after sending off the two children, Leng Fujun took Zhong Leyou abducted and went out for a trip. It was a rare freedom to go out for a walk.

    Zhong Leyou thought that Leng Fujun was serious about taking him out on a trip, and she was looking forward to it beautifully in her heart. After all, from the beginning to now, they didn't have much time to get along with each other alone—until Leng Fujun pressed him in the hotel. After three days of entanglement on the big bed, he finally realized what Leng Fujun was planning this time.

    But this time Zhong Leyou has already seen it, Leng Fujun has such a character, and he can't change it in this life.

    The two of them chattered about each other in the hotel, without any shame or shame.

    Leng Fujun felt that this was his ideal married life. There were no two octopuses clinging to each other all day long, and he could kiss and hug his beloved wife anytime, anywhere, sweetly.

    It's just that when the wife occasionally utters shocking words, it will scare Leng Fujun.

    The wife would say, "Just another one."

    Leng Fujun was frightened to be honest immediately, and checked the condom carefully before continuing.

    The wife was not happy: "Hmph, don't touch me."

    Leng Fujun didn't understand why this situation was hard to get through: "...Good boy, we won't have another child, two are enough." Just

    kidding, there is another bastard, he Definitely short lived.

    The wife continued to moan and whine. Six years later, she was already twenty-five years old, and she was still the same innocent and innocent look as before.

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