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    This "brick" was indeed too funny, Leng Fujun smiled helplessly and asked: "Oh? Then what are you hiding a brick for?" Zhong Leyou's face

    immediately turned red, he couldn't figure out the reason, but in the end it turned out He said: "...Use, use it to press the door..."

    Leng Fujun was really angry and funny: "I can see it moving, take it out."

    Zhong Leyou froze, although he also knew his own The camouflage technique is definitely not good enough, but I didn't expect that Leng Fujun would see through it so soon. And the orange cat in his arms couldn't hold back for a long time, when Leng Fujun's words fell, he got his head out of Zhong Leyou's coat.

    Hei Ni barked even more joyfully, full of curiosity about the cat, frantically wagging its tail and circled Zhong Leyou.

    The orange cat is thin and its hair is wet from the rain. It looks particularly pitiful. But its appearance is not bad, with big eyes, it looks like an elf at first glance.

    It's not that Leng Fujun hates cats, but there is already a dog at home, which is enough for him. Moreover, it is not a good habit to pick up cats and take them home. He is afraid that if he agrees to Zhong Leyou to keep it this time, Zhong Leyou will pick up whatever pitiful things he sees on the side of the road in the future.

    But Zhong Leyou and the orange cat looked at him with pitiful eyes that seemed to be full of expectation—maybe it was his self-indulgence, but the orange cat looked pretty good, and Zhong Leyou's eyes were even more unbearable to refuse.

    Having lived here for so long, Zhong Leyou hasn't taken the initiative to ask him what he wants to live. Now he looks at himself and asks: "...Brother, can I raise it?" Can Leng Fujun refuse


    He took a deep breath and asked: "Can you take care of it?"

    Zhong Leyou said seriously: "...I will take good care of it." "

    Then do you know how to take care of a cat?"

    Obviously Stopping Zhong Leyou, he paused and said: "...I will learn it, and I will try my best to take care of it..."

    The words have reached this level, how can Leng Fujun refuse, but he also has his own request: "Well, we can only pick up one, and we are not allowed to pick up cats when we see them on the road, you know? "

    Zhong Leyou only heard the first half of Leng Fujun's sentence. After all, the first half sentence was enough to make him happy, and he couldn't hear what the second half sentence was.

    Zhong Leyou was overjoyed: "Thank you, brother!"

    But raising a cat is something that one person wants to raise and the other agrees. There are actually a lot of things to prepare, so Leng Fujun personally brought Zhong Leyou Went to the pet hospital with the cat.

    I did a physical examination for the cat to make sure that the orange cat was healthy and free of bugs, and then bought cat food and litter, so that I could take it home with peace of mind.

    The orange cat is still young, only three or four months old, and its body is also thin, weighing only three and a half catties. Now that it has a name, Zhong Leyou named it Sanwu.

    Leng Fujun really couldn't understand what he was thinking. When sitting in the car, Zhong Leyou hugged the cat, as if asking him, or talking to himself: "...so dark Ni already has a younger sister... Hei Ni should be very happy too..."

    How would Leng Fujun answer?

    And has this cat been classified as Hei Ni's sister so quickly?

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