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    Such a sentence of Leng Shiyu was like a thunderclap, and Zhong Leyou was taken aback. If he's anything like a normal boy, he'll just laugh it off.

    But pregnancy is something he can do, and it feels like he doesn't want to be centered by others.

    Zhong Leyou's expression was awkward and stiff: "...you, what are you talking about..."

    But being said so coldly, Zhong Leyou himself became suspicious.

    During this period of time, my appetite has changed a lot, my appetite has decreased, and I get angry easily... But thinking about it carefully, I think it is not possible. Although he couldn't remember whether he had fought directly with Leng Fujun in the past few months, if he had, he should always remember. He couldn't remember it right now, and he probably didn't... Besides, Zhong Leyou did

    n't Know what it's like to be pregnant. All of his experience is cold noodle, and there is only one time. At that time, he felt sick when he smelled the food, he couldn't eat anything, and he was always weak, and he couldn't do anything.

    Taking this as a comparison, Zhong Leyou feels that she is pretty good at the moment, at least she is quite energetic when she loses her temper.

    Leng Shiyu didn't know that Leng Mianmian was Zhong Leyou's own.

    No one knows this secret except the Leng Lin family.

    So he didn't pay attention to all the embarrassment and stiffness on Zhong Leyou's face after he said those words, and he continued on his own: "It's not me, if you don't know that Mianmian is my uncle's child, I must think that He is your own. When you two look in the mirror, your eyes are exactly the same, how can there be such a resemblance." "...


    Because Leng Mianmian is your own... Zhong Leyou had a hard time to say, and finally had to say strangely He lied unnaturally: "...Maybe it's because I bring a lot of noodles..." It's

    not a topic worth delving into, just a few cold words, and then go on to other things.

    After having lunch, they went to see a movie. It was a recently released sci-fi movie, which was quite exciting and interesting.

    He went out after watching the movie and found that the driver had turned into Leng Fujun himself.

    Leng Shiyu dared to be cold in front of Zhong Leyou, Fu Jun was a big pig, but he didn't dare in front of Leng Fu Jun in person. Knowing that the two of them were having a conflict, they didn't dare to talk nonsense, and just stood aside as a foil, as quiet as a chicken.

    Leng Fujun came here specially to pick up Zhong Leyou, seeing Leng Shiyu beside him, he just felt an eyesore, he said to Leng Shiyu: "Shiyu, you go back by yourself first, I won't see you off."

    The cold words immediately disappeared: "Okay uncle!"

    But Zhong Leyou was still unhappy seeing Leng Fujun—mainly because he was more ashamed, he felt that he had done something very, very embarrassing in front of Leng Fujun Things are simply not coming to the stage now.

    Zhong Leyou just stood in place like this, her gaze was on Leng Fujun, but she just didn't talk to him, with an angry look on her face.

    Leng Fujun actually didn't quite understand why Zhong Leyou was so angry this time, because in his memory, Zhong Leyou had never been so angry.

    He just thought that it would be good if he couldn't hold back his laughter at that time - but he didn't laugh because he made fun of Zhong Leyou, it was purely because Zhong Leyou was too cute.

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