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    It was impossible for Leng Fujun to refuse the promise made in front of so many people.

    Even if he can rely on it, he doesn't want to deceive Zhong Leyou - this friend can't be deceived, but if he has been deceived once, he will be prepared to face himself in the future. Leng Fujun couldn't be sure what kind of image he had in Zhong Leyou's mind, but compared to the initial state of getting along with the two of them, it was obviously much better now.

    Crazy friends for him, being woken up late at night by him, taking him to the doctor, helping him with homework, supervising his running and exercising. Leng Fujun felt that if he raised his son, he would put the most effort into it.

    If all these hard work are in vain because a verbal promise is not fulfilled, it is really not worth the candle.

    Besides, his words are true. He invested in an amusement project in the northwest, and he invested in it several years ago. This time, he just went to see how the progress was.

    Although it seems wrong to bring a friend with you on business, but Zhong Leyou is so obedient, so she shouldn't cause any trouble to herself.

    And Zhong Leyou is also somewhat looking forward to his first long trip in his life.

    He has grown up so much, he has never traveled too far.

    Zhong Leyou doesn't like to go out, and it's the safest place for him to come home - the best proof is that he didn't even have the idea of going out during the summer vacation of his third year of high school. Several times when Lin Suxi and Leng Dongzhong went out to play and wanted to take him with them, he was not very willing.

    But after entering university, Zhong Leyou has obviously improved a lot.

    Maybe it's because he's really grown up and not as courageous as before, or maybe it's because he has come into contact with more people, and he slowly began to try to open his closed heart.

    Leng Fujun contributed a lot here.

    He is a stranger who rarely breaks into Zhong Leyou's narrow world. Although Zhong Leyou once thought negatively after experiencing what happened to Ren Songyun, the existence of Leng Fujun made him see the safety he could rely on—this was a start for him. Accepting others is very helpful. He would think that maybe more people, like Leng Fujun, would accept themselves and treat themselves well.

    Zhong Leyou doesn't want to believe that when approaching a person, she will show more obvious rejection and guarding. But when he starts to trust someone, he will let go of his guard.

    Even though he didn't trust Leng Fujun to the point of unbreakable, at least one thing was confirmed in his heart - Leng Fujun treated him very well.

    So he was looking forward to going to the Northwest with Leng Fujun, and felt that he had to be well prepared to live up to Leng Fujun who specially invited him.

    Zhong Leyou didn't understand the deep meaning of the dinner that day.

    Song Shengqiao didn't believe Leng Fujun's words, so he pulled Zhong Leyou out.

    And Lin Suxi heard it. She didn't want Zhong Leyou to be involved in the matter between her mother-in-law and her eldest brother, although she also felt that Leng Fujun was making excuses - but she didn't want to offend him. Because Zhong Leyou has been taken care of by him during this time, it is appropriate to offer to help him this time, so she said a word to give Leng Fujun a step down.

    Unexpectedly, Zhong Leyou foolishly agreed.

    But you can't blame him either.

    Who told Leng Fujun to ask him in front of so many people if he wanted to go together. Suddenly being asked to go to such a far place, Zhong Leyou must have hesitated in his heart, but he thought that he couldn't refuse Leng Fujun in front of so many people.

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