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    It's still too late to get out of the steering wheel now, but I ran into the couple Leng Dongzhong.

    This is the rarest of all, the couple are feeding the carp together at the pond at the back door at this point today.

    Leng Fujun's car drove in, and the first person she saw was Leng Dongzhong—and then Lin Suxi, her eyes were sharp, and she even caught sight of Zhong Leyou sitting next to Leng Fujun.

    Lin Suxi walked towards Leng Fujun's car. She felt that this was not something that could be cleared by coincidence. There was no reason for Zhong Leyou and Leng Fujun to come together when they met outside by chance. here? It's so weird isn't it?

    Seeing Lin Suxi walking towards this side, Leng Fujun knew that if he didn't go in, he would be suspicious.

    So he had to drive the car in.

    Leng Fujun said: "...I drove here by chance, and your sister is also here, so sit here for a while before leaving." Leng Fujun is indeed not good at dealing with Zhong Leyou, he doesn't know what the kid's point is, so he just I was afraid that if I made a wrong poke, I would blow people up.

    But at this moment, Leng Fujun felt relieved that Zhong Leyou would not cry.

    If he could cry, he should have cried a long time ago. It has been a long time now, so why would he cry.

    So when he saw Zhong Leyou's aggrieved face, red eyes approaching Lin Suxi, and crying into her arms, Leng Fujun was dumbfounded.

    Lin Suxi is tall, with a net height of more than 1.7 meters, not to mention wearing high heels now, Zhong Leyou looks like a younger brother in front of her.

    Seeing her younger brother crying aggrievedly, Lin Suxi was in pain, and subconsciously looked at Leng Fujun suspiciously—could it be that Leng Fujun really bullied him? She had this feeling last time, could it be true?

    Just Lin Suxi's gaze didn't make Leng Fujun realize anything, but when Leng Dongzhong also looked at him with the same gaze, Leng Fujun realized that the two of them had definitely misunderstood something.

    Fuck, he didn't make people cry, so look at what he does.

    It's not that Zhong Leyou doesn't want to cry, it's just that there is a place for crying. In front of Leng Fujun, he obviously didn't dare to cry, but in front of Lin Suxi - he found a place where he could feel at ease, Zhong Leyou's suppressed sense of grievance came to his heart, and he cried out.

    Leng Fujun really sent him to the right place, and Song Shengqiao was also at home on this day, Lin Suxi comforted Zhong Leyou, asking him to rest here tonight, and then talk to him slowly, asking him to What happened will come out well.

    Zhong Leyou is capable in front of Lin Suxi, although it took some time, but Lin Suxi will know the cause and effect after hearing it.

    Song Shengqiao asked her what was the matter, and she gave it all. It was a classmate who lied to him and wanted to be good friends with him. It turned out that it was for his money, and today he went to trouble him at his place of work. Fortunately, Leng Fujun passed by and rescued him.

    Song Shengqiao heard it and was very angry. These current students are too bad. Even such a good-looking classmate would be bullied, but they still use such insidious moves. I really don't know how the adults taught them. It's too much.

    In front of Song Shengqiao, Lin Suxi endured part of her words, turned around and went back to the room with Leng Dong, and she accused Leng Dongzhong: "I didn't agree with you when you wanted to do that, you're fine, now Something happened!"

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