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    Zhong Leyou had a high fever but didn't know it. When Leng Fujun called him up, he just felt dizzy. In fact, at this time, his mind was no longer clear, and he thought he was dreaming, so it was all a dream. He muttered in a daze: "...I'm so dizzy, I didn't drink any alcohol last night..."

    Leng Fujun was afraid that this person was crazy because his brain was not smart at all, so it burned again and again. So high, who knows what adverse effects it will have on the brain.

    Leng Fujun called the family doctor over, and then went to get a fever-reducing sticker and put it on Zhong Leyou. Touching the collar of Zhong Leyou's pajamas made him sweat, and changed him again.

    Leng Fujun's mind was calm at first, only the worry of his old father. After all, Zhong Leyou lives here with him, so he must take good care of him. His fever reached forty degrees, which is probably the level at which Lin Suxi would rush over to take care of her as soon as she knew about it.

    But Zhong Leyou opened her hazy eyes, the eye sockets were red and watery, and she seemed a little unhappy when changing his clothes, her mouth was pouted, and she was moaning - but this picture was pure and The appearance of desire.

    It's time to care about the illness, and everything becomes different.

    Leng Fujun recalled the extra piece of meat.

    He just remembered the taste and never forgot, and he insisted on remembering at such a time, what can he do.

    It was hot and humid.

    There was so much water that it seemed to drown him.

    Still suck.

    His brain was about to be sucked out of him.

    Leng Fujun quickly persuaded himself to be sober and calm, what are you thinking, now is not the time to think about such things.

    But Zhong Leyou always likes to take the initiative to bump into such dangerous moments. He didn't know he was sick, let alone how badly he had a fever. He only remembered that he saw You Qingshu last night, and he was in a good mood at the moment. Seeing that Leng Fujun was about to leave, he grabbed Leng Fujun's clothes.

    Leng Fujun thought there was something wrong with him: "...Huh? What's the matter?"

    Zhong Leyou called him with a smile: "Brother..."

    Now is not the time to call him brother, Leng Fujun was so scalped by him Numb, take a deep breath: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

    Uncomfortable? Zhong Leyou didn't realize at all that she was actually so weak that if she stood up, she would kneel to the ground in the next second.

    He even thought he was great.

    Anyway, it's a dream, it's not real. He pulled Leng Fujun's clothes and said: "...Brother, I'm so happy..." "..."


    Fujun didn't know what to do with himself, he thought it would be better for Zhong Leyou to be unhappy, he I'm really worried that Zhong Leyou has a burning problem.

    Fortunately, the family doctor also arrived at this time.

    The doctor took Zhong Leyou's temperature again, checked his various conditions, and asked Leng Fujun: "... What kind of medicine did you take? So excited?" "No."


    met It's just an idol, how could he know that he would be like this.

    The doctor gave him an injection and kept the medicine, and asked Leng Fujun to pay attention to whether Zhong Leyou's temperature had cooled down about halfway through the injection, and the antipyretic patch could continue to be applied. It would be great if Zhong Leyou's condition improved, but if the high fever persisted, then he should pay attention to the possibility of pneumonia.

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