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    From a long time ago, Zhong Leyou felt that Leng Fujun at home was different from Leng Fujun outside, and the brother in front of him was also different from Mr. Leng outside.

    At home, most of them are resting, and Leng Fujun is relatively calm and relaxed.

    But when facing himself, he was even more gentle and patient, never repeating his words.

    But outside, when facing some people Zhong Leyou didn't know, Leng Fujun always had a serious and arrogant look, with an indifferent appearance that strangers should not get close to.

    For example, in a meeting now, Zhong Leyou can't hear what Leng Fujun is doing, and he doesn't know what kind of volume it is, but he can see that Leng Fujun's expression is serious. Just looking at it like this makes people feel oppressed—it's completely different from him at home.

    Leng Fujun frowned, pinched his chin with one hand, and stared at the person who was speaking at the meeting, with a mysterious expression and a very oppressive aura, as if he was going to get angry in the next second.

    Not really.

    Although he was frowning all the time, after the person opposite had finished speaking, Leng Fujun just tapped the table with his hands, as if he was commenting on something, it didn't look like he was angry, it was just Zhong Leyou's usual seriousness.

    Zhong Leyou has never observed Leng Fujun like this before, especially the uncommon Leng Fujun, who is completely new, which makes Zhong Leyou feel very fresh.

    To be honest, this kind of Leng Fujun is scary. If Zhong Leyou never knew him, he would definitely be scared when he saw him like this—by the way, when I recalled the first time I saw Leng Fujun, Zhong Leyou Yu was a little afraid of him.

    Zhong Leyou still remembered that she accidentally fell from the second floor of the flower house, her mind was blank for a moment, and when she thought she was about to fall to the ground, it was Leng Fujun who was passing by who just reached out to catch him.

    He stopped his shock, and the first thing he saw was Leng Fujun's frowning face—how did he know that Leng Fujun wasn't attacking him at that time, but simply because the impact he received was too strong, his hands were numb from the shock, and He had to forcefully stabilize himself, that's why he showed such an expression.

    It scared him then.

    The second time I saw him was when he was being bullied and thought he couldn't escape.

    Leng Fujun actually appeared to help him out.

    But at that time, Leng Fujun was too violent. He could kick people flying with one kick, and throw people to the ground with one slap. It was such a terrifying threat from the examinee that even Zhong Leyou, who was listening on the sidelines, trembled.

    Now that I think about it, that's really just an ordinary threat, how could Leng Fujun really do such a thing.

    Zhong Leyou squatted for a long time, and the soles of her feet felt a little numb, so she stood up and shook her legs.

    He thought to himself, how long will this meeting last, and why it hasn't ended after such a long time.

    But before squatting down again, the inside already looked ready to end the meeting, and many people stood up.

    Zhong Leyou only wanted to wait here for Leng Fujun, forgetting that there were other people inside. He didn't know how to greet Leng Fujun naturally in front of so many other people, and the only way he could think of was to hide.

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