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    Leng Fujun didn't even dare to touch the corners of his mouth, if he wanted to scab or not, he was afraid of blood again if he touched it. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and found that the wound was not that big, but there was a lot of blood, all down to his chin, and he didn't even know it.

    Fortunately, some scabs formed, Leng Fujun washed off the blood and wiped it with a paper towel.

    His father was really ruthless, but fortunately he only scratched the tail of the stick, and he wanted the whole stick to greet his face, for fear that he would not be able to see his face now.

    Zhong Leyou followed behind Leng Fujun, he saw the wound on the corner of Leng Fujun's mouth just now, it was just because he didn't dare to ask anything in front of Leng Minglong and Song Shengqiao. It's all right now: "...Brother, you're injured..."

    Leng Fujun said indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a wound."

    But Zhong Leyou looked at it, and his eyes turned red.

    Leng Fujun didn't know why his eyes were red again, and asked: "What's the matter, baby, why are your eyes red?"

    Zhong Leyou wanted to reach out to touch Leng Fujun's face, but she didn't dare to touch it. , he slowly said: "...you are hurt..."

    When he heard this answer, Leng Fujun was speechless for a moment.

    Leng Fujun was surprised, Zhong Leyou saw such a wound on the corner of his mouth that even his eyes turned red—is it so sad?

    Leng Fujun opened his mouth to comfort and coax people: "It doesn't hurt, it's just a little bleeding, it doesn't hurt at all. Don't cry, you are going to cry, that's what makes my heart hurt." Zhong Leyou looked at him

    , Ask: "...Uncle and Aunt, did they know, that's why you fell in love..."

    Zhong Leyou is stupid and slow to react, and he will believe one or two nice words to him. But he is really not stupid, give him more time, and he can slowly figure out some things.

    As for the matter between himself and Leng Fujun, Zhong Leyou naturally takes it very seriously. Although he believed in Leng Fujun, he was also worried about how to confess to Lin's parents and Leng's parents. Today, Leng's parents suddenly came over, and he immediately thought of this - especially when Leng Fujun was injured, it couldn't be Song Shengqiao's fault, it must be Leng Minglong's.

    It's just that he couldn't think of the specific reason. He never thought that the parents of the Leng family might feel sorry for him and make things difficult for him.

    He was afraid that they were against him and Leng Fujun.

    Hearing these words, Leng Fujun subconsciously wanted to comfort Zhong Leyou with the way of coaxing. But looking at Zhong Leyou's teary eyes, he suddenly stopped doing that.

    He always felt that Zhong Leyou was like a beautiful porcelain doll, fragile and cute, who didn't understand everything, and didn't doubt what he was, and believed mainly.

    But when I suddenly recalled it, it was actually not like this. Zhong Leyou was not as weak and useless as he thought. He has endured a lot since he grew up.

    He can also make his own decisions.

    But now, Zhong Leyou is worrying and even sad because of her injury.

    At this moment, I can understand the feelings of Leng Minglong and Song Shengqiao—what did he do to such a friend, and he coaxed and lied to this point, just for his own selfishness, thinking that Zhong Leyou would also be coaxed If he is happy, everything will be fine. In fact, when he was doing these things, he completely ignored how Zhong Leyou would feel.

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