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    Zhong Leyou got into the car, but remained silent.

    He was afraid, and it was rare for Leng Fujun to be embarrassed by someone.

    On weekdays, Leng Fujun was used to putting on cold faces and talking coldly to others, and it was rare for him to be gentle with a boy, but in the end he almost scared him to tears—this made him a little incapable of accepting it. Although he also knew that he was not a gentle person, how could he be able to scare people to tears?

    From time to time, Leng Fujun looked at Zhong Leyou sitting in the back from the front mirror of the car, thinking, maybe Zhong Leyou was too delicate? But when he was surrounded by those hooligans just now, he didn't see him crying. Could it be that he was really that scary?

    The distance from school to home is not far, less than ten minutes by car.

    Leng Fujun used to go through the back door when going back. There was no other reason, it was purely because the road from the back door was easier to open.

    This time he went back again, just in time for Leng Dong to come back.

    Leng Dongzhong deliberately blocked him at the door, sideways the car, not wanting to let Leng Fujun in - but Leng Fujun didn't count, he originally wanted to send Zhong Leyou here.

    Leng Dong lowered the car window and said to Leng Fujun: "Oh, what kind of wind is blowing you here today." Leng Fujun got

    out of the car, and then opened the back door, Leng Dongzhong saw Zhong Le Yu came out from behind.

    Zhong Leyou was obviously not that scared when he saw Leng Dongzhong, it might as well have breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother-in-law!" "

    Hey, Leyou, why are you at the elder brother's place?"

    "I came back today, on the way out When you meet him, send him back." Leng Fujun said to Leng Dong, "I won't go in, you get off, and I'll have a word with you."

    Leng Dong got out of the car again and let Zhong Leyou get on He got into his car and asked the driver to drive in first.

    "What's wrong? What do you want with me?"

    "Your brother-in-law is really competent, allowing my brother-in-law to be bullied by a group of hooligans."

    Hearing Leng Fujun's words, he knew he had seen it.

    Leng Dongzhong said helplessly: "Why didn't I think of a solution, but he refused to ask who bullied him, for fear that I would kill him... I also asked bodyguards to watch him, but the school There is really nothing I can do." Leng Dong shook his head heavily, "If he doesn't cooperate, it's hard to do anything." "

    I happened to meet them today, and I taught them a lesson, and I think they'll all be safe in the future."

    Leng Dong weighed As expected, he said with a smile: "We still have to rely on elder brother."

    Leng Fujun smiled, and after a while, asked: "Your brother-in-law, can you be admitted to university?

    " I don’t think I can’t get into a junior college, but I don’t think I can’t pass a junior college.” Leng Dong said again, “It looks like a fool. Stupid, sometimes he doesn't speak well, but people are sensible and obedient, and he knows what her sister said, but he can't express it." "Naturally?" "It's natural,


    generally I can't see it. This kid can take care of himself, but no one needs to worry about it." "

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