Extra 3: Young Love

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    Lu Muqing was fortunate to be invited to attend the sixteenth birthday party of the young master of the Leng family.

    The Leng family is the biggest partner of the Lu family, and they have cooperated for several years. However, Leng's is quite dissatisfied with them because of the frequent quality problems of some products recently.

    Therefore, Lu Muqing was repeatedly told by his father that it was a rare honor to be invited to this birthday party. He had better find a way to get to know the young master of the Leng family, so that he could curry favor in the future—but it was also emphasized that if he couldn’t get to know him, then don’t go any further. If you make it hard, if you make the other party unhappy, the gain will outweigh the loss.

    Lu Muqing didn't take his father's confession to heart at all, so he didn't want to curry favor with the young master of the Leng family—even though he was the young master, he was comparable to him in age. Lu Muqing couldn't do it for him to please a boy older than him.

    Arriving at Leng's house together with his father, avoiding the forced introduction that his father wanted to drag him to this uncle, Lu Muqing soon found his friend Song Lishen, and the two of them hid in an inconspicuous place and talked. .     Lu Muqing

    sighed first: "It's so annoying, I was brought here by my dad again today, otherwise I should be practicing serving in the gym now."

Volleyball, now varsity member, team ACE.

    Song Lishen was his good friend in high school. The two of them were in similar situations. They were business partners with the Leng family, but in fact they all depended on the Leng family for food. Although they are not very rich, they are generally considered rich second generation.

    Song Li smiled deeply: "Your father is also thinking about the future. Your family's business will depend on you in the future. How can we do it without getting you familiar with it now?" Lu Muqing snorted: "I don't want to do anything

    . Business, I will be satisfied as a physical education teacher in the future."

    "No prospect."

    Lu Muqing's eyes wandered randomly, wondering why the banquet hasn't started yet, and when will it start. The sooner you start, the sooner you end, even if you don't want to end early, he can still find a way to sneak away in the middle.

    But suddenly, his eyes fell on a person.

    It looked like a boy who was many years older than himself, his eyes were like black ink, his face was like white jade, he was dressed in a perfect suit, exuding a lonely and cold temperament from top to bottom, he looked like a noble prince.

    Lu Muqing stared dumbfounded, he was used to coming and going among a group of bosses, and it was the first time he saw such a jewel-like character, and he was afraid that his eyesight might have misjudged him.

    He bumped Song Lishen with his elbow, and asked, "Hey, who is this person? Could it be the young master of the Leng family?" He looked at the young man on the other side, and estimated that he would be no more than fifteen years old at most. Go, only the young master of the Leng family.

    "He is the young master of the Leng family. You are here to attend his birthday party today, how can you not even know what his parents look like?" Song Lishen laughed at him, "Your father made a wrong calculation, so you should not go up and beg Good acquaintance, if you offend him, your Lu family will lose a penny starting tomorrow."

    So he is the young master of the Leng family? Really sixteen? Lu Muqing no longer listened to what Song Lishen said, his eyes were almost fixed on the other party, and he just asked blankly: "...what's his name?" "Brother, you don't even remember his

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