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    Zhong Leyou's illness came on quickly and went away quickly. Probably due to his young age and good recovery ability. In addition, Zhong Leyou's body has always been quite healthy in general, so the fever caused by excessive excitement did not cause too much burden on his body.

    The day before, Zhong Leyou, who was still lying on the bed in the cloud and dreamed that he didn't know what day and night it was, the fever subsided the next day, and he was able to jump around alive and well with the black mud.

    At this time, the excitement of seeing You Qingshu gradually calmed down.

    Zhong Leyou just can't learn to control her emotions. When she is sad, she is always extremely sad, and when she is excited, she will use up all the excitement in one go.

    In the first two days, he had used all the high emotions he could use, so by the third day he had basically recovered, what he should look like in normal days, and what he would look like again.

    He didn't post a photo of himself and You Qingshu to Moments. After all, this is a personal matter, not the same as going to a concert. Although there are not many friends in his circle of friends, and few people can see it after posting it, Zhong Leyou prefers to be able to hide this kind of secret with top happiness - no one knows, no one can see, Only he knows it and treasures it alone.

    It's just that he couldn't hold back in the end, and changed the screen saver of his mobile phone to a photo with You Qingshu. Then Zhong Leyou wanted to press her phone from time to time, and when the screen lit up, she looked at the group photo and giggled.

    The English class is so boring, Zhong Leyou just looks at the phone when he has nothing to do.

    If you watch it too many times, it will inevitably attract the attention of the people around you.

    Qin Yunji didn't mean to see what Zhong Leyou was pressing, he just glanced at it accidentally, and finally caught a glimpse of Zhong Leyou's mobile phone screen saver, which turned out to be a photo of him and You Qingshu.

    Qin Yunji was worried that this was in class, so he didn't dare to exaggerate too much. In fact, he bit his fist with his mouth to prevent himself from screaming with jealousy - damn rich! ! See you idols! ! ! We can still eat together! ! It's so enviable! !

    If it turns out that the relationship between Qin Yunji and Zhong Leyou was just ordinary classmates, then after You Qingshu's concert, their relationship became like friends—mainly because Qin Yunji began to regard Zhong Leyou as a friend, after all, Zhong Leyou You wanted to be friends with Qin Yunji from the very beginning.

    At first, Qin Yunji felt that the reason why he couldn't become friends with Zhong Leyou was also very simple. Upper decision decided by the economic background. In his eyes, Zhong Leyou is a young man who is either rich or noble, but he is just an ordinary person from an ordinary family. He thought that Zhong Leyou had contact with him only out of politeness, and he didn't dare to unilaterally call himself Zhong Leyou's friend just because of this.

    In addition, although Zhong Leyou has improved, the almost minimal communication barriers on the outside have brought some obstacles to him, which always prevents him from expressing his true inner thoughts.

    But it's different now. After the concert, Qin Yunji found that he could still be friends with Zhong Leyou.

    Idol is a bridge connecting friendship.

    Qin Yunji didn't notice Zhong Leyou's communication barrier. He just felt that Zhong Leyou was a bit introverted, even after getting along for a long time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhong Leyou like this. Maybe some people are born with few words, so there is nothing wrong with not being talkative.

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