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    The school started in early September, and Leng Fujun asked for leave for Zhong Leyou, which was not a big deal.

    It's just that Zhong Leyou didn't go home for a whole summer vacation. In fact, Lin's parents were a little suspicious. It was just because he had lived in Leng's house for a while before, thinking that Lin Suxi would take care of him, so they didn't insist on him going back. After all, Zhong Leyou has always been the kind of person who likes to stay at home and doesn't want to go out. After going out with great difficulty, it was too much, so they couldn't make up their minds what to do and what to do.

    Thinking that school has started now, it is time to go home on weekends, and even if there is no time on weekends, they will come back when the National Day comes. They thought this way, but the person who waited first was not Zhong Leyou, but Leng Fujun.

    Leng Fujun didn't tell Zhong Leyou about going to the Lin family's parents. After all, what will happen is not good now, but he promised Zhong Leyou that these things will be resolved, so he must wait for the Lin family to be fine. Only then can Zhong Leyou know.

    Before Leng Fujun left, he specially greeted Song Shengqiao. Although Song Shengqiao scolded him for a while, Leng Fujun was determined that she would still stand by his side in the end.

    Leng Fujun passed by during the day, and Lin Guimin and Chen Shu were very surprised by his sudden visit—after all, they had never met, especially Leng Fujun came alone, without Zhong Leyou bring.

    Although Leng Fujun came here with the mentality of coming to ask for guilt, but the appearance he put on in other people's homes did not seem to have such intentions.

    He is used to being serious and serious in front of outsiders, so he puts on airs unconsciously. But Lin's father and Lin's mother could not be more polite to him, not to mention that he is the head of the Leng family, and also Lin Suxi's husband's elder brother, it is always right to be polite to him.

    Chen Shu poured him a cup of tea: "I don't know what kind of tea you drink on weekdays. This is the tea that our family is used to drinking. The taste is a bit weak, but it is very fragrant."

    Leng Fujun picked it up and took a sip. He must be very nervous, but he didn't. No matter what the Lin family thinks, Zhong Leyou belongs to him, and no one can stop him. But don't be nervous, unless the tea is really weak and tasteless, anyway, Leng Fujun didn't taste anything, and he didn't smell any aroma.

    But he was very face-saving: "This tea is very good."

    Lin's father and Lin's mother didn't know what he came here for, so when they sat in front of him, they looked a little reserved--compared to him, it was Leng Fujun It looked overbearing.

    Leng Fujun didn't make many detours: "Actually, I have something to tell the two of you when I come today."

    His behavior made people even more nervous. Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other, and then Chen Shu said: "...What is it, you just need to talk about it." Right."

    "This matter is actually my fault, so I should apologize to the two of you beforehand." However, Leng Fu Jun was not born to apologize, such things, from his mouth He said, "Leyou and I are together."

    Lin Guimin was dumbfounded, and Chen Shu was also dumbfounded.

    They looked at each other, wondering whether the "together" they understood was the same as the "together" in Leng Fujun's mouth-what's going on, how could Zhong Leyou be with Leng Fujun?

    Chen Shu's hands trembled. Compared with Father Lin, she still cares more about Zhong Leyou. After all, from the perspective of blood relationship, Zhong Leyou is an outsider to Lin Guimin, and Chen Shu is his aunt.

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