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    Dr. Lin believes that as long as Zhong Leyou is willing to cooperate, his condition can be improved through cognitive therapy - she can't guarantee whether he can be cured, but at least it can reduce the harm caused to him by this incident.

    She suggested to Zhong Leyou for treatment, because the information obtained so far can only prove that his condition is not bad, but how much does he reject this matter in his heart, and what kind of effect this matter has had on him until now The impact, no one can be sure.

    She hoped that they could take Zhong Leyou for treatment. For people with mental disorders, the help of professional doctors is very important, but this is only because they know how to use scientific methods to guide patients to correctly understand their own hearts, help them understand themselves, and rebuild their confidence.

    In fact, what they need more is the care and love of their relatives, or the encouragement and care they get from someone they trust and depend on. If they can get enough sense of security from the people they care about, the cure rate of psychological disorders will be greatly improved. Just like children who grow up in an environment full of love and praise, the possibility of psychological disorders for such people is significantly lower than the average level.

    But no matter what, good work and rest time and proper exercise are conducive to good health, so this part is essential.

    In the end, Dr. Lin said, I thought he would be afraid of the dark or have difficulty falling asleep in an unfamiliar environment, but I didn't expect this to happen, which was quite surprising.

    Leng Fujun told Lin Suxi about Dr. Lin's feedback, but Lin Suxi said that Zhong Leyou was very afraid of the dark when she was growing up, and she is the same now when she grows up. She has to turn on the night light to sleep at night.

    Leng Fujun couldn't remember whether he turned on the night light when he sneaked into Zhong Leyou's room to see him. Thinking about it now, he felt that the moonlight was really too bright that night, and he could even see Hei Ni's expression clearly. It turned out that it was because the night light was turned on, but he didn't notice it.

    And that night when the two of them spent the night outside, when he returned to his room, Clock Leyou did not turn off the light, and left a porch lamp. At that time, he thought it was Zhong Leyou who was sensible and thoughtful and specially kept it for him, but he didn't expect that the real reason was that he was afraid of the dark.

    Lin Suxi thanked Leng Fujun on the phone again, this time it was really troublesome for Leng Fujun, if it wasn't for Leng Fujun, she would not have thought of such a good solution by herself.

    Leng Fujun said lightly on the phone that between relatives, everything should be done, and Leyou is a sensible and obedient child, and he also hopes that he is well.

    How could Lin Suxi not be moved when she heard this, although at the beginning she had some disagreement with letting Zhong Leyou live with Leng Fujun, but now obviously there is no objection at all. She even thought it was a good idea beyond the accident: "Leyou came back with me, my brother treated him very well and took good care of him, and went to the zoo to have fun... By the way, my brother took him to soak This is the first time he went to the hot spring... It's really the first time I heard Le You mentioning a person like this, big brother, I don't know how to thank you, I don't know how to thank you for what you have done for Le You I will always remember it."

    "You don't need to be so polite, as long as he likes to be happy." Leng Fujun said calmly, but after hearing Lin Suxi's words, he was very relieved in his heart, why, it must be a kind of hard work It doesn't feel like a waste.

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