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    It was still early when Lin Suxi arrived at Leng Fujun's side, far before lunch time. Because Zhong Leyou was cold and Fu Jun was not around, no one woke him up regularly for breakfast, so it was rare for him to stay in bed and not get up.

    Lin Suxi rang the doorbell, and Auntie came to open the door. Auntie still remembered Lin Suxi, knew that he was Zhong Leyou's sister, and had been here once. She let Lin Suxi in unpreparedly, thinking that Leng Fujun was not there, so she specially asked her to take care of Zhong Leyou.

    The two aunts knew that Zhong Leyou was pregnant, but this was the master's family business, they just had to do their own thing well, and it was better to think less about other things.

    The aunt also said to her: "Is it because I came to see my brother specially? He is still sleeping and hasn't woken up yet."

    Lin Suxi was really heartbroken—at the beginning she strongly agreed with Zhong Leyou to live in the cold When Fu Jun came here, he was also happy that Zhong Leyou had changed outwardly, and even thanked Leng Fujun. But looking at it now, she basically made Zhong Leyou become Leng Fujun's golden house.

    It was difficult for her to accept that if this place was a fire pit, then the person who pushed Zhong Leyou into the fire pit was herself.

    Lin Suxi went upstairs and went to the room where Zhong Leyou slept before.

    She knocked on the door, but didn't hear any sound, and called twice again, but there was no response—then reached out to open the door.

    It was empty.

    Not to mention that Zhong Leyou is not inside, this room doesn't look like an occupant at all-whether it is popular or not, you can tell at a glance.

    Lin Suxi didn't know what kind of mood she was in to close the door, and then walked towards the master bedroom in a daze.

    This time, before she even knocked, the door opened by itself.

    Zhong Leyou got up, and when he opened the door, Hei Ni rushed out first.

    Lin Suxi was shocked when she saw Hei Ni, but Hei Ni didn't call out to her, but went downstairs by herself, ready to enjoy her own breakfast.

    Turning her eyes from the black mud back to the open door, Lin Suxi naturally saw Zhong Leyou.

    It's been a long time since I saw her. At first glance, she only felt that Zhong Leyou had gained a lot of weight. A lot of flesh had grown on her once thin cheeks, which were white and round.

    When her eyes fell on Zhong Leyou's bulging belly, she really thought that Zhong Leyou had gained weight - who would suspect that a boy was pregnant when he saw his bulging belly? Lin Suxi also wondered why Zhong Leyou gained so much weight... until Zhong Leyou wanted to cover up her embarrassment and made her realize that there was something wrong with it... The moment her mind turned around, she seemed to be struck by lightning,

    almost Waddled.

    Her mouth couldn't keep up with the fast thinking speed of her brain. Lin Suxi grabbed Zhong Leyou's wrist and asked, "...What's going on? How could this happen?"

    Zhong Leyou thought she would face it bravely.

    But Lin Suxi came so suddenly, there was no time for him to prepare, and Leng Fujun was not by his side, so he was still scared. The secret was ripped open and exposed to others. He didn't know what to do and what to do, so escaping became instinct again. Zhong Leyou didn't answer Lin Suxi's question, he didn't say a word, and grabbed his hand, Zhong Leyou hid back in the room, closed and locked the door.

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